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Annalise knew she was the only one to see the swarm of men dressed in all black make their appearance known. As they drew their weapons, she knew things could go south very quickly. She pulled out the gun in her garter belt and began shooting. Like everything she did, Annalise was methodological when it came to killing. She scoped out the heads of the families present and shot the men that she knew were aiming for them. 

At this point various guests were shooting at the assailants. Regardless of how many they shot down it seemed more would respawn like roaches. "We've got to get you out of here." A voice called out beside her. Annalise looked at the man and scowled. "I'm not going anywhere. You should be shooting along with me." She scoffed as she shot a man down who seemed to be charging towards her father.

"Annalise-" She pushed passed him. "It's Mrs. Rossi to you. Give me your gun." He gave her a questioning look before she grabbed it off of him. "For a bodyguard you're shit." She kept shooting and finally felt like they were making progress. She last saw Luciano using a table as a barrier as he shot at the men heading towards his sister and mother. Annalise was so enraptured by what was going on in front of her that she didn't see the man coming up behind her. "Annalise, watch out!"

Giovanni said before pushing her out of the way. Two bullets hit him causing him to fall back. Annalise quickly shot the perpetrator in the leg and shoulder before kneeling beside Giovanni. "You're an absolute moron!" She chided as she put pressure on the wound getting blood all over her pristinely white wedding gown. "You had my gun," he tried to joke. "Now it's my fault!" She shook her head. "You're not going to die, Giovanni. I won't let you." He smiled at her before moving a stray hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear. "Yes, Mrs. Rossi."

The shooting had stopped and a few Rossi bodyguards found them behind a column. She instructed him to take Giovanni to the hospital in the basement and to not let him die. She watched them take him away before she turned and made her way into the room. Bodies and blood were everywhere. 

This was not how Annalise envisioned her big day. She looked down at her bloody hands and dress and sighed as tears threated to fall. "Anna!" Luciano called out. She immediately ran into his arms willing herself not to have a meltdown. "It's okay, il mio amore. We're going to figure out who did this and we'll end them." She nodded her head before stepping out of his embrace.

Annalise spent the next few minutes announcing to the families present in the native tongue that they were terribly sorry for what occurred. Some were injured, but none of their people had died, which was a welcomed blessing. 

She vowed that the Rossi and Monroe families would figure out who was behind the attack and act swiftly. The guests could tell Annalise felt horrible about their lives being in danger, but they were used to it. This was the business they were in, but she had a big heart and simply wanted everyone to get a celebrated break for once.

"It's going to be okay, sis," Dante offered as they watched their fathers talk to the heads of the families present. The Rossi and Monroe clean-up crew were already on the scene, while Luciano and Malcolm were busy talking to security. 

Apparently, the intruders had short circuited the security system and was showing a loop instead of what was happening in real time, so when they made it to the security booths upon entrance, they were good as dead. "This just isn't what I wanted you know." Dante nodded as he put an arm around her. "You two will get a redo for your 5-year anniversary." Annalise chuckled at that.

The families began leaving one by one and Luciano couldn't express how angry he felt. Someone had come into his family's home. They ruined his wife's special day. He was going to paint the city red with their blood once he found out who was responsible. He stared as his wife rest her head on his younger brother's shoulder and sighed. He would make this up to her. He would ensure that her smile was planted back on her face and for good. 

"Luciano, venire qui (come here)." He walked over to his father and Maxwell. "What did you find out?" Luciano filled them in on what their surviving security men stated, as well as, what he could gather from the scene. "You mean to tell me they were able to do what they did because they had someone on the inside?" Maxwell whispered angrily.

"I trust my men with my life. We don't have a mole." Agosto said proudly. "Same goes for me, but that doesn't change that we had over fifty families who I felt were our allies that could've been the culprit." Maxwell offered eyebrows furrowed in thought. Annalise, Dante and Desi made their way over. Luciano wrapped his arms around his wife. "What are you guys talking about?" Desi asked partially interested. 

"We think one of the families was behind this." Agosto said going over anything suspicious he might have missed. "What?" Annalise asked shocked. "No, there's no way." They all looked at her. "No one died. They stand nothing to gain to start some fruitless war. This was someone else. This person probably hopes that we turn on our allies."

They each thought to what she was saying. "They were able to get access from the inside though," Luciano offered causing Annalise to huff. "I know none of you want to hear it, but it could be one of your-" They all responded with a resounding no. She sighed and rolled her eyes before moving out of Luciano's embrace. "I left one alive, so have fun interrogating him." Agosto nodded before he and her father made their way to the Monroe bodyguards that had the alive intruder cornered. 

"I need a shower and a lay down," Desi yawned loudly before pulling Annalise in for a hug. "It really was beautiful, sis...until it wasn't." Annalise nodded before letting her go. In the chaos, The Ivanov's left as they were alerted of an issue with one of their major shipments. Annalise couldn't help but think this was all related, but she knew her father nor Agosto would listen to her. They had a mole and she was going to find out who.

Annalise never felt so good as she did now. She was freshly showered and rid of any blood. Her dress was whisked away by Alessandra who promised to restore it to its former glory in no time. Luciano was still busy with the men interrogating the man she had shot. She hoped they would get answers out of him. She hoped he would prove her right that someone was pulling the strings and it wasn't anyone they were associated with. 

Annalise also hoped the person would reveal who the mole was. She got dressed in black leggings and a Nike fitted sweatshirt before putting on some sneakers and heading down to the Rossi hospital. She wanted to check on Giovanni. She didn't trust him, but he did save her life and that had to count for something.

She found his room eventually and knocked before entering. His shoulder was bandaged up and other than that he looked fine. "So, you can follow directions?" He looked at her and chuckled. "How are you feeling, Mrs. Rossi?" She shrugged. "I'd be better if my wedding day wasn't ruined." He looked at her sorrowfully. "I'm sorry about that." She offered a small smile that didn't reach her eyes. 

"Not your fault, Van." He smiled up at her and Annalise could tell it was a genuine one. "I get a nickname too?" Annalise shrugged once more. "I mean, you did save my life or whatever." She chuckled at him. "You hungry?" He shook his head no. "I'm glad it wasn't a fatal shot." He looked at her and nodded. "Me too. I like protecting you. And the rest of the Rossi family." Annalise noticed the change in his voice and filed that away for a later date. "Well, I'm exhausted, so I'll talk to you later." He nodded his head and watched her leave.

Annalise wanted to make a nice dinner for Luciano and her for their first night as husband and wife, but she was emotionally and physically frayed. She made a sandwich for herself with some potato chips and sat down in their contemporary styled living room to watch one of her favorite shows The Flash. 

After watching two episodes, Annalise realized Luciano wouldn't be home anytime soon. She cleaned up after herself and then made her way to the bedroom. She got changed before calling up Anastasiya and filling her in on her thoughts about everything. After Anastasiya filled her in on the shipment ordeal and how nothing was taken they both agreed this was a part of a much bigger plan.

They said their goodbyes with promises of doing brunch in a few days. Annalise lay in bed alone and sighed. This was not how she expected tonight to go. She was ready and willing to give herself to Luciano and yet he was busy interrogating a man that was a part of the reason her big day will forever be ruined in her mind and memory.

As she closed her eyes and let the welcomed sleep take over her, Annalise prayed they would make some headway and go back to living the life she was excited about. She knew Luciano was like her in the sense that he would not let this go until they figured out who was responsible. She wanted that. She wanted to know who dare try and steal their joy and happiness, so she could bring them to their knees and end them.

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