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"Where are you going?" Anastasiya asked for the tenth time. "I've told you I don't know. He won't tell me." Anastasiya shook her head. "You know I don't like that Lise. We have to know where each other is at all times. After last time..." Annalise pulled her friend into a hug. "Last time was no one's fault. This won't be like last time, because Luciano will be there to protect me. I'm going to be fine, bestie. Don't worry." Anastasiya huffed. "All I do is worry about you. You remember the thing, right? If any sign of trouble you know what to do." Annalise nodded hearing the seriousness in her voice. "не волнуйся (Don't worry)."

Anastasiya sighed. "How can I not? I mean the one day that was supposed to be perfect for you ruined by some mysterious asshole." Annalise loved how passionate her best friend got when it came to her livelihood and well-being. "We'll figure out who said asshole is when I get back, but in the meantime yellow or orange?" Anastasiya rolled her eyes. "Obviously you look great in both so take both." Annalise blew her a kiss and packed the swimsuits.

By the late afternoon they were all done and Annalise was packed. She noticed the suitcase on Luciano's side of the closet and wondered when he had packed it. Anastasiya and Annalise enjoyed a nice home cooked meal by Alessandra as the three women talked about everything under the sun. Annalise learned that Alessandra's husband worked with Luciano's grandfather as his security detail. 

She was privy to a lot and understood the plight Annalise would be taking as the wife of a mobster. "It's a little different for her though, since she's the daughter of a mobster. She knows the ins and outs." Anastasiya offered taking a bite of the alfredo. Alessandra smiled sadly at them. "To be a wife of a mobster is to forever be his weakness. People will constantly come after you to get to him and all you can do is pray they don't succeed."

Annalise soaked in every word Alessandra said and mulled over it. She was used to being the daughter of a great mafia leader and a sister to mobster brothers, but she had never been a wife. Knowing that there was someone currently after the Rossi family and planned on using her to get to Luciano made Alessandra's words that more jarring. "You will be fine, darling," Alessandra smiled widely. "When things got rough for me and my Jimmy, I would just go to a happy memory in my head just to escape the hardships every now and then." Annalise smiled at the elder woman and gave her hand a squeeze.

"Thanks for dinner, Ale." Anastasiya called out as she headed towards the door. "Please be care, Lise. You call me as soon as you get there and if there's any sign of trouble-" Annalise pulled her friend in. "I'll be fine." Anastasiya mumbled under her breath how stupid Luciano was being for going through with a trip at a time like this causing Annalise to chuckle. "I love you." Anastasiya gave her a squeeze. "I love you, too."

Luciano and the men weren't having much luck with Eduardo. He was a stubborn ass who refused to give up the name of his leader. Instead, he offered up taunts about how Luciano didn't deserve Annalise. Or how the Monroe family hitched their wagon to a dying carcass. Luciano could tell the whole thing was getting to Maxwell. Agosto had asked to speak with him outside and Luciano wondered what the men could be talking about as they fruitlessly interrogated a man who clearly didn't fear death. "He's second guessing ever allowing you to marry his daughter," Eduardo taunted. "I mean how could he not. You're walking her right into danger." Luciano had enough. He pulled out his gun and shot Eduardo right in the head.

"Luc!" Malcom barked out. "We were getting nowhere." He was on edge and the piece of shit had planted a seed of doubt that was taking root with a vengeance. Maxwell and Agosto walked back in to see a dead Eduardo and a panting Luciano. "Somebody clean this shit up," Maxwell barked before walking over to Malcolm. "Are you okay?" Agosto asked his eldest son. "What did you and Maxwell have to talk about?" Agosto sighed heavily. 

"This is just a lot for him. The Monroe's are like Gandhi in the mafia world. They somehow manage to broker peace and wellness among themselves and their allies. The bumps in the road they encounter they handle in such a way that many of us wonder if magic is real." Luciano rubbed the back of his head anxiously. "He just wants to know his daughter is safe and I reassured him that no one will take better care of Annalise than her husband."

Luciano gave his father a small smile before he put his gun away. "I need to be with her." Agosto nodded. "Go to her. We'll take care of this." Luciano nodded before saying his goodbyes. He read the look in Maxwell's eyes and further reiterated that Annalise was the most important person to him. As he made his way to his home he watched as Alessandra made her way to her small cottage in the back. 

Annalise stood in the front doorway smiling at him as he got out of the car. She barely had time to say hello before he was attacking her lips. "Luc," Annalise moaned as he latched onto a soft spot on her neck. "Baby, what's wrong?" She asked as he pinned her to the wall and hiked her legs around his waist. He swallowed her questions with a kiss so passionately she forgot she needed to breathe.

"I need you," he begged in her ear and Annalise knew something was really bothering him. She also knew what she could do to settle him. She kissed him back deeply before wiggling off of his waist. He frowned at her before she turned them around and pushed him up against the wall. Annalise began unbuckling his jeans watching him through hooded eyes. He couldn't take his eyes off of her and when her hand wrapped around his member he hissed at the sensation. "Let me make you feel better, bambino."

She got down on her knees and in second her mouth wrapped around his round tip. "Fuck!" Luciano called out as Annalise took him in deeper. "Baby, your perfect." He whispered as she took him in as much as possible and worked the remainder with her hands. Annalise bobbed her head and swiped her tongue as she watched Luciano come undone. She sucked and sucked causing him to fling his head back in ecstasy. "Your fucking perfect, Anna." Luciano could feel the telltale signs of an impending orgasm as his body tensed. "Baby, I'm about to-" Annalise cupped his balls and in milliseconds he was coming inside her mouth.

Annalise drank every drop and wiped the corners of her mouth before putting him back in his jeans and buckling him up. She looked up at him and saw the relaxed face of the man she loved. "Feel better?" He smiled lazily at her and nodded. "Come on you clown, let's go to bed." Annalise wanted to know what had Luciano so riled up, but she didn't want to ruin the mood. 

She would ask tomorrow on their flight to wherever and hope it doesn't dampen things. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," Luciano said in the darkness as they lay in one another's arms. "Ditto kid." He laughed at her response before pulling her closer. "No matter what we find out about this guy or what he tries to do just know that I love you with every fiber of my being. I will protect you come what may."

She looked up at him and smiled. "I know, babe. I know." She lay her head back down and bit her lip. "What happened today?" He sighed loudly before kissing the top of her head. "Eduardo just said some things to get into your father's head, as well as, mine." Annalise rubbed soothing circles on his chest. "You know there's nothing anyone can say or do that will make me love you any less." 

He wanted to believe that, but he knew her life was in danger because of him and his family. Annalise raised her head and looked into his green eyes. "I mean it, Luc. I love you. All of me for all of you. Don't let some asshole make you second guess that or second guess me." He traced her jaw and smiled. "I could never second guess you, il mio amore."

She gave him a deep kiss before laying her head back down and yawning. "Let's get some sleep we're leaving at 5 am." Annalise gawked. "5 am for what?" Luciano chuckled before pulling her back in. "It's a really long flight now shush." Annalise settled into his arms as she inhaled his scent. The woodsy smell always seemed to calm her. He was her happy place and being in his arms would be her happy memory to think on should things ever get rough. In no time they were both sleeping hopeful that they would get to celebrate their love and marriage on this trip sans distractions.

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