The secret serum

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We see Ashton at a podium holding a gavel with a banner saying Auction above him.

Ashton: And a night at the crystal cove roller derby goes to Gary Papluta.

A muscled woman in roller skates rolls by and grabs Gary and goes out the door as we see Mrs. Blake with a woman in green

Nan: This charity auction is going better than I ever could have hoped. What's our total so far Sheila?

Sheila: Thirty four dollars.

Nan: Ah! Just imagine all the good thirty four dollars will do.

Ashton: The next lot up for bid is this spooky painting.

We see a man place a painting of a woman at a creepy castle on a display next to Ashton

Ashton: Do I hear fifty dollars?

We then see everyone as they were remaining silent.

Ashton: Uh, forty dollars? thirty dollars? Come on, this is a genuine spooky painting. This is just creeping me out just by looking at it. Anybody?

Then a screech was heard as everyone looked to see a lady vampire

Vampire: I want that painting!

Everyone then began to run to the exit but to discover the door was locked as the lights then went off as the vampire lady flew around as Ashton turned the lights on to see the vampire is gone along with the painting

Ashton: She stole the painting! Mom are you and Sheila ok?

Nan came to Ashton.

Nan: I'm ok, but I haven't seen Sheila.

The next day we see the gang as they were at Daphne's house at the pool as Scooby and Shaggy were in the pool as a shark fin swam to them

Daphne: Guys a shark!

Shaggy and scooby then screamed as they ran out of the pool as it was revealed to be Ashton with a shark fin

Ashton: Classic Shark fin gag. The oldest trick in the book. Hahahaha!

Dimitri: Good one bro.

Velma: Oh Dimitri.

Dimitri turned to see Velma in her normal clothes

Velma: Like my new bikini?

Dimitri: Are you wearing one? Cause I can't see it.

Velma: Yes. I just don't want to get burned. Do you have any idea how damaging the sun is?

Dimitri: I do Velma, but you do realize there is a reason people made sunblock for that right?

Velma: I know. But I prefer wearing my normal outfit above anything else.

Dimitri: Velma, I get it, you really like wearing your usual attire but you need to understand, I love you no matter what kind of attire you have.

Velma: Thank you.

Dimitri: Anything for you, my special fiancé. *kisses Velma's cheek*

Velma: Flattery will get you nowhere

We then see Nan walk to the pool.

Nan: Boy, am I steamed.

Daphne: What's wrong mom?

Nan: A vampire ruined my auction last night.

Scooby: Vampire?

He then hid inside the pool.

Crystal Cove's rider of vengeance and Shinaqua. (in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now