Wild Brood

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We see a diner as a biker gang were inside it as we see the bartender giving a girl a drink as a biker came to her.

Biker: Hey little muffin, how about you and me go for a moonlight ride?

Girl: No thanks, I'm allergic to the stink of desperation.

Biker: Then you don't know what you're missing.

???: Step away from the lady.

They all turned and saw a orc dressed in a biker outfit

Biker: What do we have here? *turns to the bikers* Seriously, what do we have here

Then a second orc came in

Gabtraf: We are the Wild Brood human. And this is our most terrifying leader Obnard the powerful, he demands that you vacate the premise immediately.

Biker: You want us to leave our place?

Gabtraf: In a way, yes.

Then the human bikers laughed thinking they were joking

Biker: This roadhouse is Spanker territory, so unless you wanna a mouthful of spanker.

Obnard: Cool it daddy, we tried taking the high road didn't we Gabtraf?

Gabtraf: Yes, we did indeed.

Obnard then snapped his fingers as three more biker orcs came in the roadhouse as the biker snapped his fingers as the rest of his bikers got up as we then see the biker leader was thrown out of the roadhouse we see all the bikers leave.

Obnard: That was a roaring good time

Obnarb walked to the bartender.

Obnard: A round of cappuccinos for me and my orcs and make sure they're extra frothy.

Tender: Sure thing buddy, so you fellas gonna be sticking around here long?

Obnard: We're heading down the coast of crystal cove for a little rest and relaxation.

Gabtraf: Crystal Cove? Even the name sounds breakable!

Ashton: Pardon me fellas but I'd advise against breaking anything in town.

They all turned to see Ashton sitting in a corner booth

Obnard: Relax, we're only looking to have some fun.

Gabtraf: I know you, you're the famous musician Ashton van Ghoul!

Ashton: That's my name, don't wear it out. Jk guys it's always nice to meet a fan. So what brings you guys here?

Obnard: Like I said, some rest and relaxation.

Ashton: Follow me guys I'll show you a good time.

Obnard: That's very nice of you.

Ashton: Don't mention it.

We then go to Crystal Cove as we see the Tiki Tub as we see Dimitri sitting at a table with Velma.

Dimitri: I'm glad that the Tiki Tub is rebuilt, so we can have a date night

Velma: I like that especially meaning spending time with you.

Dimitri: And I did get you this.

He handed Velma a piece for a laptop.

Dimitri: I figured this could help with your laptop upgrade. It makes your laptop run twice as well.

Velma: That's sweet and how do you know it'll work?

Dimitri: *holds Velma's hand* Trust me, I created it, just for you.

Crystal Cove's rider of vengeance and Shinaqua. (in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now