Chamber of Reflection

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warnings: this is basically just porn with plot tbh
so NSFW/smut ahead.

also, the sex includes things like praising, & slight degrading (not really)

there's quite a bit of dialogue, so follow the plot. which tbh I made up as I went.
lots of time skips because I say so.
no usage of IRL names other than George cause he's well, George.
It's a persona ship, a persona story. so sapnap has blue eyes because of his mc character.

tw // alcohol, smoking, underage drinking (by 1 year tho) homophobia, and heavy NSFW! join my discord!!
twitter ^^

word count | 13733
holy shit that's a lot???

word count | 13733holy shit that's a lot???

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The night is young.

And Sapnap's alone again.

Not because he has to be, but because he wants to be. He dressed up for nobody.

The red slick, latex-type dress that hugs his sides as a leather jacket would, is what he wears. Stolen but long forgotten from the closet of his mom, who is out with her own friends, in her own tight dress. He's always wanted to be like her. Not in the feminine type of way, but the confidence type of way. Or maybe it was in the gender way, maybe he was gender envy.

Always wanted to wear those high stilettos that make everyone aware that you're walking, taking steps leaking of self-love.

So tonight was when he'd do it.

With the help of the also, stolen, liquor that once sat untouched in the dining room's showcase.

Now surrounds his plump lips that only are plump due to the lip gloss he put on that works just like plastic surgery. It burns and itches is what he found out, but he also found he likes the way it numbs them, just like how a long make-out session does with the right person and hormones.

The same liquor that his mom is drinking now, except his is technically free, and unmonitored. After all, he's 20, a year away from being legal but still, it makes him feel more of a badass.

He lies to himself, tells himself it's to just be like his mom, but the brutal truth is, it's to impress his best friend who dates a girl just like how he looks right now.

A girl, something, someone he believes he can't be. Not that he wants to be, but he wants to be his girl. Wants to be known as his girl, even if it's as some sexist joke made by some straight guy, he wants to be called Dream's girl.

But what's a girl? Dresses? Makeup? The eyeliner that is perfectly symmetrical on both of his eyes? High heels? The smudged mascara that darkened his blue eyes? or was it someone who's he's afraid to admit to being?

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