Father-Sons Moment Part 4

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Raul's POV

The time has come. The time for both me and Emily to get officially married.

I hope nothing unexpected happens anymore. Barely anything is going well for our wedding today! First, the decorations catch on fire, next, the cake gets ruined and to top it all off; all the flower arrangements get killed in less than a minute! Oh well, i can't worry about that now. I better write the vow for Emily and i's wedding today....Hm? What's this? (Raul thinks to himself and notices an unusual rose that he's never seen before. Usually, the roses are red in my country, but this one is maroon) (I pick up the maroon Rose and notice that it had a confusingly large amount of black chemicals on it. Like it was peppered on with charcoal. I then notice something wasn't right about the maroon Rose i just found. Because,
the next thing i knew, the Rose made me naucious and a bit queasy.

Raul:Maybe it's just my imagination. I'll just rest for a bit and hope i get better in about an hour or 2. (Raul then goes to his room and lays on the bed to rest for a bit, he closes his eyes and enters the world of dreams)

Bryce was busy talking to their father Frank about who should take over the family business; since Frank is almost 60 and he wants to retire soon before he hits the elderly ages, he wants to give the family business to his younger son since he's had more experience with it than Raul.

(The family business is top secret because they don't want anyone to know anything about their ancient heritage. Since, what they chose to do was not technically illegal but it also wasn't highly likely to be allowed in most of the world)

Bryce:But dad, Raul has a better chance at running the company than i ever can! Why can't you just give the company to him instead of me? He understands it better than i ever will!(I complained)

Frank sighs and looks at his younger son straight in the eye with sincere confidence and intensity.

Frank:Bryce, it's because you have something that Raul doesn't, advanced Knowledge of both business and life. Raul just goes with both his instincts and his gut when it comes to dilemmas in anything that is challenging and facing him in his life. That's why i want you to take over the family business instead. You're knowing of almost anything in both work and home is like you just spent about 40 years here in the world. Even though you're only 17. So promise me, promise me that you will take over the company and make our family proud. Like Raul, you have something in you that no one else sees that shows you're different from all the others. You and your brother are men who think outside the box, and that's what's going to make this company run!

Bryce:(Sighs) Alright dad. I'll do it, I'll take over the company and make more profits than everyone in the world combined! But, i have only 1 small request.

Frank:Of course you do.(sighs) Well, let's hear it then. What is it?(He asked his son)

Bryce takes in a deep breath before he tells his dad about what he believes.

Bryce:Dad, i want both me and Raul to each own 50% of the family business. I know that's a bit risky but both me and Raul can do it! We've handled difficult situations before in our lives and always came through. This is no different. I'll own 50% of the company and Raul will own the other 50%. We'll start the business separately so that no one will have a hard time to figure out which one to go first. Then, if all goes well, we want to make a store chain franchise around the world to make even more profits. We can make the industries be placed in our hometown at the house. I know it's a bit risky but, both me and Raul thought of it. We have faith, in both our plan and in each other.

Frank:(Sighs) If that's really what you and your brother want? Then, i say go for it. I had a feeling you were going to say something like that. Bryce, you know i can read other people's minds even when i don't want to right? That's why it's a great opportunity to have this idea that you enveiled to me face-to-face.

Bryce:Huh!(He exclaims to his father)

(Puts his hand on his son's shoulder) Frank:Look son, no choice that either you or your brother select for your lives will ever be an irresponsible one. As long as you both believe in your friends, your family and especially in yourselves and eachother. Remember that. Just promise me that both you and your brother will never forget that when your dreams come true. Just try to live your lives without any regrets.

Bryce:we won't forget dad. Thank you.(Smiles with his eyes closed since the waterworks started to form in his eyes.)

(Frank gets his younger son into a fatherly-son hug. They've been like that for what seemed like forever. Even though it's really only been about 3-5 minutes.)

After that, they both released oneanother from their father-son hug and each let out a big sigh.

Frank:Well, let's see if we can get your brother up on his feet before his big day officially begins.

Bryce:Yeah, alright dad.

(Frank smiles at his son)

Frank:Come on, let's go.

Both Frank and his son start heading to Raul's room and find him still sleeping. Or, should i say snoring in his sleep.

Frank and Bryce(Barely containing their laughter at the sight in front of them) He really is unpredictable. (They both thought simultaniously)

Frank:Come on son. Let's wake him up before he's late for his own Wedding.

Frank and Bryce:1.2..3...(big sigh) WAKE UP, RAUL!!!!

Raul jolted out of bed due to both his father and brother unexpectedly yelling in his ears.

Both his father and brother laugh at the reaction they both got from him after they screamed in his ears.

"You guys couldn't just shake me and say it calmly to wake up? You know, like a normal person?"(He asked)

Both of them first looked at each other, then back at him and said:Nope!(Simultaniously)

Raul:Why am i not surprised?(He asked sarcastically to no one in particular)

Frank:Come on, son. You'll be late for your big day. The wedding's gonna start in about half-an-hour.

Raul:Alright. I'm on my way.

Alright!! Let's do this so i can start dancing to my jams tonight!(Exclaimed Bryce)

I just groan at his response and start walking to my wedding.

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