Ch1: Memories Of Albert Smith

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*Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers. It belongs to Saban and Hasbro but, I do own my OCs!*

On a TV, black, white and gray static began to show and sound.

A memory began to come through and appeared on the screen.

(*Takes place during World Famous In New Zealand!*)

A brown haired blue eyed woman saw her bike being stolen by a man wearing a dark gray-black hoodie.

"Help! Someone help! Someone's stealing my bike!" She said, watching the guy.

Tyler, Shelby, Koda, Riley, Chase and Sir Ivan came running over to her.

"We stop him." Koda said, referring to the group.

The woman nodded as they continued running, trying to catch up with the thief.

The man on the bike was peddling as fast as he could.

When he turned the corner, he saw something that caught his attention.

It was a man wearing what looked like a dinosaur suit.

The thief had to put on the brakes but, it was too late.

He had crashed into something else.

Tyler, Chase, Koda, Riley, Shelby and Sir Ivan ran over to the crashing sound.

When they got there, they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Sir Ivan gasped.

"I can't believe it!" Shelby said, shocked and surprised.

The dinosaur suit man happened to be...

A power ranger!

The thief was struggling to get free.

"Let me go!" He said as he tried to turn around to see what the ranger was doing to him.

The purple ranger tied the thief's hands behind his back and hummed a tune.

After the ranger got done tying the knot, he turned around and saw Tyler, Shelby, Koda, Chase, Riley and Sir Ivan looking at him.

The purple ranger gasped, rather afraid of them.

"The purple ranger!" Sir Ivan said, in realization.

"So that's why Sledge has been searching all over New Zealand..." Chase said, remembering the five pictures that Albert showed them.

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