Ch2: Death Overcomes Old Age

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Albert Smith was sleeping peacefully in his camper when he began to hear a rustling noise.

He instantly got up and rubbed his eyes.

When they were clear, he looked at the red digital numbers on the alarm clock.

4:30 A.M.

Albert sighed and began to get out of bed.

He was wearing a lime green t-shirt with black pajama pants that had the Grinch's face on them.

Plus, he was wearing some nice and fuzzy lime green bedroom slippers.

His lime green energem was in a crystal bed box that Zenowing had made for him to keep it in.

Albert kissed it.

"Stay safe. I'll be right back." He said as he grabbed the flashlight from the nightstand and turned it on.

As he was walking, he could feel a cold shiver up his spine.

Albert shivered for a minute before looking into the darkness.

*I know I'm not scared of the dark but, when I was the purple Plesiosaurus ranger, I was afraid of monsters. Could they be real? Could they be the next Yeti or the next Bigfoot...? You won't know something unless you discover it for yourselves. Well... I need to find out what this thing is and how I need to stop it!* He said to himself as he began to open the door to his camper and blindly step down from the stairs.

When Albert got onto the ground, he shined the flashlight throughout the night.

As he was shining his flashlight, he saw something that caught his eye.

It was...


*Just like the one that I saw five times around the city. What is it doing out here at night? Is there an extraterrestrial being that is lost and in need of comfort? I'm not sure but, I need to find it and fast!* Albert said to himself as he now began to go back to his camper.


                            4:45 A.M.

After Albert had gotten back into his camper and went back to bed, he began to close his eyes and fall asleep.

As he was sleeping, a monster began to move around in the darkness.

The monster had a skeleton body that was covered with a long, black cloak.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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