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It is my first OS . hope you like it.

here it goes.......

A man is sitting near the cliff and staring at the forest below it. When he receives a call .

Man: yes Angre , is meeting fixed ??

Angre: yes Vansh everything is fixed , but when are you coming back.

Vansh: I will come back soon Angre and tell everybody not to call me now.

Saying this he hangs up and again stares at forest.

Vansh POV

No one knows what will happen in life next its just so... unpredictable. Being a orphan I used to think why my parents left me but then got a friend like Angre. He used to be my only family in orphanage . Then Ragini came into my life and became the love of my life . I was very happy with her but looks like god doesn't want it. He snatched Ragini from me . She died in a accident with her I also died . She was my solace . Even after having everything in life this what missing in my life and I don't know when will I find it.

Just then he gets a notification on phone and goes. He was driving when he saw a girl giving balloons to small children . She was smiling and was enjoying with them . He stopped the car and looked at her. He was mesmerized by her and was staring at her . She was doing cute antics to make children laugh. Suddenly there was a rush of cars and when he saw again she was gone . He looked around but she was not there . With a disappointed look then stated his car and went.

VR enterprises

Vansh was working in his cabin when Angre came with two invitation cards .

Angre: Vansh these have come from orphanage . They arranging a function and have called us.

Vansh: okay when is it??

Angre: tomorrow morning 8 am.

Vansh: okay then we will go there. Don't get too excited to meet sejal come and finish the work .

Angre: who told you I want to meet sejal ??

Vansh: don't act innocent I know you like her since childhood okay

Angre: how do you know??

Vansh: you forgot I am your best friend Angre . Now go and work other wise you will not come with me tomorrow.

Angre: no no I am going

Saying this he went and Vansh laughed.

Next morning

Vansh and Angre reached the orphanage . This was the orphanage were they were brought up. After greeting some of their old colleagues Vansh was going towards food counter when suddenly a balloon bursted over him due to which girl in front of flinched and lost her balance. Vansh caught her just in time by her waist. Glitters and popper were falling on them. Vansh looked at the girl whose eyes was closed . He saw she was the same whom he saw earlier. With closed eyes she was looking like a angel . Vansh was just mesmerized by her . The girl opened her eyes and saw Vansh holding her and stood up in a instant. Vansh trance also broke and he asked her

Vansh: you okay ??

Girl: yeah thankyou .

Vansh: welcome.

Just then father came and saw both of them

Father: so Vansh you already met Ridhimma . Remember who once saved you from goons in childhood.

Vansh looked at Ridhimma .He remembered in childhood some goons came to orphanage to destroy it. During that they tried to harm him when she pulled him and saved him. In that process she fractured her arm.

Vansh: nice to meet you Ridhimma (forwarding his hand)

Ridhimma : (handshaking and smiled) same here Vansh

Vansh: want to have something ?? (indicating at food counter)

Ridhimma: sure lets go

Both went towards the food counter and started talking to each other. They brought their food and took a table near by.

Ridhimma: so you are the great Vansh Raisinghania people talk about.

Vansh: what they say about me?? (raising eyebrows)

Ridhimma: they say you are very arrogant but you seem totally opposite.

Vansh: thankyou for not thinking me a arrogant person(bowing down). Its an honor to hear this from a social worker like you.(laughing)

Ridhimma: welcome welcome

Vansh: lets keep in touch . I will also get a another friend after angre

Ridhimma: Angre??

Vansh: yes angre, he is my best friend since childhood.

Ridhimma : oh nice

Both exchanged their number . And again started chit chatting. After function ended both bid good bye to each other and left.

After that both started meeting often and developed a close bond . Ridhimma became Vansh best friend after angre and started sharing everything with her.

After 1 year

Vansh is seen sitting near a grave with flowers in his hand . Suddenly someone keeps hand on his shoulder

Vansh: Ridhimma you here

Ridhimma: I will always be there when my best friend needs me . I know it is tough but we have to keep moving in our lives.

Vansh: you are right Ridhimma its really important to keep moving . If you were not with me it would have been impossible for me to move on. Thank you Ridhimma.

Saying this he hugs her. They both keep flower at grave and Vansh says

Vansh : I miss you Ragini ( a lone tear escapes his eyes . He wipes it )

Both hold each other hand and go out . When they reach near car Vansh stops Ridhimma and says

Vansh: Ridhimma you have became a irreplaceable part if my life . After Ragini passed away I became alone but you came and filled my life with happiness again .Ridhimma I want you stay by my side for the rest of life . You are my love and solace Ridhimma .

He bends down and holding a ring in his and says

Vansh: Will you marry me Ridhimma. ??

Ridhimma was having happy tears in her eyes. She was happy in her life but since Vansh came she felt complete . She happily nodes her head in affirmation and Vansh slides ring in her finger. He stands up and hug Ridhimma tightly.

Vansh : (while hugging ) I love you Ridhimma

Ridhimma: I love you too Vansh.

So here it ends. Hope you liked it. Please comment and vote if you liked it

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