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Hi guys here is the new TS of mine . Hope you like it. It is based on Kargil war . Its is not to disrespect anyone.

Here it goes.....

A girl is sitting on a sofa with a baby bump and looking at television intently. Clips of Kargil war are been shown on it. Beside tv there is photo frame of girl with a young man in army uniform. Under it is written "CAPTAIN VANSH RAISINGHANIA AND MRS RIDHIMMA VANSH RAISINGHANIA"

Ridhimma eyes were just searching for Vansh in clips that were played. Suddenly she found Vansh in a clip walking proudly in his army dress. She smiled widely and touched her baby bump and said

Ridhimma: see baby there is your dadda . He is looking very handsome in his uniform na . Don't worry he will come to us soon

Saying this her eyes got teary . It has been almost two months that Vansh went there . War was very near to its end and Vansh went there to make India win this battle . Since three months she was not able to see Vansh so these clips were her only source. She and Vansh only talked phone that too for few minutes . He always said on calls that he will always be with her either physically or mentally and emotionally. He said no matter what happen his destination will be always her so stop worrying. She missed him dearly but how much Vansh loved India and ready to do anything for its safety.

Ridhimma emotionally moved down the memory lane when she and Vansh first met.


Ridhimma and her friends were roaming around taj mehal . They came here as a part of college trip . Ridhimma wanted to go around alone so she started roaming when somebody called her out .

He was a young man in mid twenties and was tall .

Man: my name is Vansh I am the tourist guide here . May I help you to see the place around (smiling)

He asked like a true gentleman . Though Ridhimma knew the place very well but still agreed. All along the way he cracked jokes talked about random topics. Seeing his nature Ridhimma doubted him to be a tourist guide but was enjoying his company so did'nt say anything. At the end of the day they became good friends.

Vansh: it was nice spending time with you .

Ridhimma: yeah I really enjoyed though I really doubt you to be a tourist guide as they generally boring

On this he scratched behind his ear as if it is true

Vansh: not all are like that . Till when you here??

Ridhimma: we are going back tomorrow at night

Vansh: so can we go out on a coffee date tomorrow

Ridhimma was surprised as still Vansh was new to her but somewhere she wanted to go with him so agreed

Ridhimma: okay tomorrow 5 pm at xyz café

Vansh: okay see you tomorrow (happily)

At xyz café

They both were sitting in café and sipping their coffee when Ridhimma asked

Ridhimma: Vansh tell me truthfully are you really a tourist guide??(raising eyebrows)

Vansh: wo ....actually no I am training for army . I saw you there yesterday and rally wanted to talk to you so made up a story . Sorry (holding his ears)

Ridhimma laughed seeing him like this .

Ridhimma: I knew that from yesterday only I was only testing that you are truthful in this friendship or not.

Vansh: then why didn't you question me there only ??

Ridhimma: you seemed genuinely good so went on (smiling)

Vansh: so you liked me haan

At this Ridhimma blushed

Ridhimma: shut up now lets just exchange numbers as its my time to go

Vansh: yeah(smiling)

They exchanged number and went.

Days went and they grew closer . They knew each and everything about eachother. One day when Vansh was on holiday and Ridhimma came to meet him ,he proposed her

Vansh: I really love you Ridhimma in fact I love you from the day I saw you . You are just perfect the way you are. I love you so much .

He has just finished when Ridhimma hugged him and Vansh swirled her around .

Ridhimma: I love you too Vansh .

Saying this she hugged him again.

When Vansh training got completed and he Joined army they talked to their parents and their marriage was fixed. They got married with all the rituals when Vansh came on next holiday.

Flashback ends

Ridhimma's thought was broken by the sound of telephone ringing . She went and picked it up. Hearing the voice on other side she smiled widely

Ridhimma: Vansh ....

Vansh: yes Ridhimma how are you ??

Ridhimma: I am fine Vansh . How are you ?? You sound tired

Vansh: yeah war preparation going on . I am leaving tonight with angre and team so called you up .

A instant fear came inside Ridhimma. He feared to loose him but as army personnel wife she has to stay strong.

Ridhimma: all the best Vansh win this battle and comeback (trying to keep voice normal)

Vansh sensing her fear said

Vansh: we will surely win and I have always said to wherever I go I will comeback to you only and be with you always like your shadow

Ridhimma: you will comeback na

Vansh : I will sweetheart . I will not go from this world before seeing your and baby's face I promise that.

Ridhimma: shut up Vansh.(heavy voice)

Vansh : okay okay well there is good news here people are getting network connection done so that we can talk to our families freely so till I comeback it will be most probably done so I can video call you .

At this Ridhimma became happy as she will be able to see Vansh face to face after months.

Ridhimma: comeback soon and call me okay (smiling)

Vansh: as your wish . Now I have to go you take care of your self and my princess okay

Ridhimma: okay I will .All the best . You will win and comeback I am sure. Love you Vansh

Vansh: love you too sweetheart .bye

Ridhimma: bye

To be continued.....

I hope you like it .I just thought that people who are ready to sacrifice their life for the country should get the facility of talking to their family more freely. Both family and the army personnel deserve to see eachother before leaving for war so just wrote this . Its not to offend anyone . I will post the next part soon 

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