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"Cristina.. I want you on Meredith's team" Derek said as he was calling with one of his wife's best friends "Okay.. Thanks and let me know when I have to pick you up at the airport" Derek said before he hung up the phone

He looked through the hospital window, he saw his wife and three kids cuddled in the tiny hospital bed. It was late and he should bring the kids home, freeing them from their PPE but also leaving Meredith

"Mer?" He whispered as he came closer to her sleeping form

"Hmm?" She groaned as she opened her eyes, letting go of a few smaller coughs

"I'm gonna take the kids home, okay?" He asked her

She looked so vulnerable and he didn't wanna do this. He didn't want her to be alone but the kids needed their father, besides, Miranda would never agree on him sleeping with her during her isolation

She nodded weakly and hugged the kids a bit tighter.

"I'm gonna wake them" Derek said, feeling a sense of guilt taking over. Meredith noticed and grabbed his hand "I love you. Take the kids home" She smiled weakly before dropping her head back on her pillow, being absolutely exhausted as every breath was a damn hard chore.

"Grey!" Teddy ran in the room, immediately waking up the kids "Sorry but we found a pair of lungs!" She yelled

"You.. what?" They gasped

"Mommy? What's happening?" Bailey asked as he rubbed his eyes

"We're gonna start prepping you now! Cristina will be here in a few hours, we'll need her help" Teddy smiled and left the room

"Mommy?" Ellis' little voice shook

"This is good, guys! They found new lungs for mommy" Derek smiled

"So.. you'll be fine again?" Bailey questioned

"Mommy will be brand new in a couple of months" Derek smiled as he kissed Meredith and adjusted her cannula a bit

"Will you need surgery?" Ellis asked with her tiny voice

Meredith nodded "A long one but you'll have to be nice. I want you.. to go to bed.. when uncle Alex.. tells.. you too" Every word sounded weaker and weaker

"We'll be good" Zola promised her mother

"Alex is on his way to pick up the kids" Derek sounded stressed

"Derek" She grabbed his hand "Calm down.. okay? I- I need.. a moment.. with my kids" She smiled at him and he nodded

"Babies" She whispered and they crawled closer to her "Mommy.. loves you so.. so much" She said and kissed each kid's head

"We love you too mommy" Zola hugged her mother

"When I'm better.. we'll go.. for a.. ferryboat ride" She smiled

The kids smiled at the mention of the ferryboat. That was definitely a thing they learned from both their parents

"Love you mommy" Bailey whispered as he rested his head on her chest and embraced his little sister that was resting on Meredith's lap

"Now.. be brave and good.. for uncle Alex" She smiled as her eyes started to droop

"Are you coming guys?" Alex said with wet eyes as he entered the room wearing a mask and gloves "Mer.." He sighed as he moved closer to her "I can't touch you but you'll rock this" He smiled "Goodluck and see you tomorrow" He winked

"I'll.. be fine" She smiled and grabbed Alex' hand

"Bye Mer" He smiled

"Bye mommy!" The kids left

"I love you Meredith. I love you and our 3 kids. I love our house and the cliff and the endless hikes we do with the kids when we both have the day off. I'm not proud of my behaviour in the past but in the end I can only say that I made the best decision." Derek said as he looked Meredith straight into the eyes

"I.. love you too.. thanks.. for the kids.. and everything.. we had" She smiled and weakly grabbed her chest

Derek adjusted the oxygen mask and stroke her hair

"Meredith?" Teddy walked in, followed by Maggie, Bailey, RIchard and a few others

"I'm.. ready" She weakly smiled and they wheeled her out of the room towards the OR. Derek was following them as far as he was allowed

"Derek, stop here" Bailey warned him

"I love you Mer! See you soon!" He said goodbye and air kissed her a final time before he left to go change out of his PPE.

He took a shower and decided to go to the waiting room where Alex and Jo were sitting.

"Webber's in the gallery, he's keeping us updated" Jo told Derek

Derek nodded and finally felt the exhaustion of everything that has happened the past month.

"Shep, rest. We'll wake you if there's any news" Alex told him and he rested his head against the leaning of the couch they were sitting on.

"Do you think we should tell them already?" Jo asked Alex

"Maybe we should wait until we know if her body accepts her lungs. I don't want her to be scared to talk to me. You know she's scared to break someone else's happiness" Alex told Jo

"Hmm.. I can't wait to see how she reacts" Jo smiled "You think she'll wanna be the godmother?"

"Of course she'll wanna be the godmother, I'm not doubting that" Alex smiled and rubbed Jo's invisible bump "You're gonna have the best godmother there is" He whispered to her stomach

"When will Yang be here?" Jo asked

"She should be here soon. Teddy will need her during the procedure"

Jo nodded and rested her head on Alex's shoulder as her hand rested on her stomach.

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