1st Clue

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Shen Wei clinch his fist and try to free himself.......because Yezun tightly grab his wrist and forcefully kissing Wei's soft lips......he want to entered inside Wei's mouth, but Wei not let him do what Yezun want "don't waste your energy! and let me do what I want" Yezun said and ripped Wei's shirt.


Shen Wei slap Yezun hard, which make him fall on the floor "Have you forgotten all your manners......? and also how to respect your elders? when will this madness of yours end......have you forgotten that I'm already marri......." Wei interrupt by Yezun "Ssh! don't say! I never agree and I don't even care about it......and for your kind information.......he didn't remember you! (Wei's eyes goes moist) and he also so happy with his wife....(tear drop from it)...so just remember one thing, I didn't let him take you before and neither now" Yezun said and go from there leaving Shen Wei shocked and teary.

{Is it true? that you forget about me........Ah lan!!!!!}


Days passed one by one but Lin didn't find how to open that journal......because it's lock and it's need a key to open, Lin try every possible things which fit inside the key whole......but didn't get any clue "Aaaarrrrrrhhhhhh!!!" Lin became frustrate and start pulling his own hair "I am already upset with you and if you go bald......then how will I update our selfie?" Shaya taunt on Lin and other fix himself and again doing what he have to do.

then how will I update our selfie?" Shaya taunt on Lin and other fix himself and again doing what he have to do

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Yunlan come and ask is any progress.....and other only shook his head(no) then Yunlan think of something and go from there, Lin want to come with him but Yunlan stop him and left from there.


Local Bar

Yunlan come in the bar and found that hot bartender Yezun. "Hey! there missed me!" Yezun said and give Yunlan beer "thanks.." Yunlan said and again thinking about that journal..... Yezun notice Yunlan is thinking something, so he lean towards Yunlan "something bother you?" Yezun snap his fingers in front of Yunlan and it's make other back from his thoughts

"sorry! what...?" Yunlan said and other smile "hm! so it's mean.... you thinking about something......or someone?" Yezun wink and Yunlan chuckle "you know what.... you are something! I don't know what, but I feel it from my heart" Yunlan heart suddenly skip a beat when Yezun cheek shaded light pink.

"you flirting with me?" Yezun said "who....? me...? nah!! I'm only here for some information" Yunlan said "Information! what kind of?" Yezun ask "it's just....ah.....nothing" Yunlan about to leave, Yezun think of something and give him a room keys "meet me at Mount Hotel, room no. 202......maybe I can help you somehow!" Yezun whisper in Yunlan's ear and place a kiss on his cheek.....then left, Yunlan shocked but unknown to him.....his heart feel relax when other soft lips touched his skin.

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