i will come back from the dead for you.

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❋ diluc sometimes wishes he didn't have a pyro vision. he's so afraid of hurting you, especially since you're a zombie and you don't do well with heat now. in the beginning, he was reluctant to even hold your hand (you were unconcerned, and ended up grabbing his hand as you'd always done), and though he's relaxed a little bit more now, he still only holds your hand when he's wearing his gloves, just to be sure.

❋ still, the chill of your skin always leeches through his gloves, and it makes diluc sad sometimes. you're so cold now, a far cry from how warm you used to be when you were still alive, and all he can think of is his inability to protect you when you needed it the most.

❋ the house is now kept at a frosty temperature to accommodate for the changes in your body (especially during the summer months when you hardly ever leave). diluc is also not above revamping your entire wardrobe to ensure that your clothes are made of light and flowy fabrics to keep your body cool.

❋ diluc insists that you do your exercises to prevent the rigor-mortis from setting in. he won't let you forget, and he most certainly won't let you skip out on doing them. he'll even set aside some time to do them with you; once in the morning, before breakfast, and once in the evening, before dinner.

❋ diluc is exceedingly patient with you. you can tug on the hem of his jacket, and ask him what the name of that bird is over and over again, twenty times in a row, and he'll answer every time, never once snapping at you in frustration. he's also never angry when you get confused and make mistakes; he'll repeat his instructions and send you on your way once again.

❋ diluc finds you one night when you're crying in your bedroom. you're surrounded by your belongings, and when he asks you what's wrong, you tearfully reply that you can't remember anything; who gave you these things, the memories attached to them, or even how these items made you feel. they've become impersonal objects to you, and you dissolve into fresh tears again. diluc can only hold you as you cry, whispering comfort into your ear, and tucking you into bed once you've worn yourself out.

❋ the next day, he gives you a diary so that you can write down what you did, hoping that it'll help you to remember better. it's a fancy one too; leather-bound with your name embossed on the cover. he'll make a game of it, too. he'll ask you to tell him three things you learned that day, and it doesn't matter if you can only remember one thing, he'll still make sure to praise you for it anyway.

❋ diluc is incredibly protective. he's failed you once, and he won't make the same mistake again. you're the only family he has left. he has a mutual and unsaid agreement with kaeya to keep you unaware of the fatui (and anything dangerous). diluc also makes sure that you're snoozing away in bed before he creeps out to do his vigilante duties. he doesn't want you following him and getting hurt in the process.

❋ you might forget a lot of things, but you're absolutely determined to remember the names of your brothers. diluc walks in on you one night as you're pacing about your bedroom, muttering diluc diluc diluc kaeya kaeya kaeya over and over again, with an unusually solemn expression on your face. while he's puzzled at first, he quickly realizes what you're trying to do when his name (and kaeya's) is accompanied by a stream of big brother big brother big brother, and diluc has to step away before you can see the tears pricking at his eyes.

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