won't let nobody hurt you.

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"Big brother?"

Deep into the wee hours of the night, you find yourself tiptoeing out of your room and out into the hallways. The icy stone floor feels like needles on the soles of your feet as you tiptoe across it, but your steps are quieter without shoes.

In the dim light of the torches lining the walls, you're soon grasping at the brass doorknob to his room, turning it open just wide enough for you to slip inside.

"Big brother, can I sleep with you?" Your voice trembles. Your expression clouds, expecting rejection; if Diluc were able to see your face, it would surely feel like a punch to the gut to him.

Still, he's quick to reassure you. Quicker to rouse himself awake once he hears how you're teetering precariously on the verge of tears. Unbeknownst to you, he'd fallen onto the mattress hours after you were tuck

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