Riker's P.O.V
We are all hanging out on the bus while dad drives the little drive to the theater we're playing at. Rae and I playing dress up, while Ross is sleeping. "Uncwe Wikey, you need dis tiawa!" Rae said placing a silver and pink gem tiara on my head. "Pwincess Uncwe Wikey!" she giggle sitting in my lap. I'm wearing a purple feather scarf, a pink tutu from Rydel, Rydel's purple sweater and the tiara she just put on my head. She's wearing her princess Elsa dress from Frozen, and an ice tiara, holding the Frozen purse she coloured in. "Pwincess uncwe Wikey needs some face Mawkews." she smiled, smearing pink lipstick on my face. "Uncle Riker looks beautiful don't you think Rae rae?" I asked, trying to get her to stop smearing make up on me. "Mhmm" she hummed, sitting down. "Wow Rik, I never thought you could look so beautiful..." Ross said trying not to laugh. "Well looks like sleeping beauty is awake." I smirked. " And I'm the one who watched your kid." I said glancing down at Rae who was sucking her thumb. "WE HAVE ARRIVED IN LANSING MICHIGAN!" Rocky hollard walking back to us. "Hey sleeping beauty and my beautiful sister!" He joked, laughing and walking back to the front. "Well that was rude." Ross said. I nodded and rae agreed too. Ross took Rae to the front with everyone, while I started stripping off the girl clothes. I wiped the makeup off on my sleeve and walked out too.Ross' P.O.V
"Okay guys tonight and tomorrow night we are staying in a hotel here. Sleeping arrangments are Ross, Riker and Rae. Rocky and Ratliff. and Rydel and Ryland. And your dad and I in our own room." Mom daid as we all nodded. "Scary movie in Ratliff and I's room tonight after minors-" he looked at Rae, "Are asleep." he smiled at all of us. "Me to Uncwe Wocky?" Rae asked looking at him with hazel puppy eyes. "Maybe..." Rocky said not wanting to make her cry. She smiled brightly at him and turned towards her teddy bear. Starting up conversation. "So what movie you thinking?" Riker asked. "Uhhh the conjuring?" Rocky asked looking at all of us to see all of us nodding. "Maybe Imma pass on the movie and hang out with Rae..." I said glancing at Rae, also not wanting to watch that movie. "Me and my baby are gonna watch Frozen or Cinderella or The Little Mermaid..." I spoke saying the first Disney movies to come to mind. "FWOZEN!!" Rae shouted, climbing onto my lap. "We watch now daddy?" She asked with cute puppy eyes. "After the show baby girl." I said looking at Mom and dad to see them starting to unload the bus. "Alright everyone start loading instruments into the building, Rydel, Take Rae to the park or something..." Dad spoke watching all my brothers groan and stand up grabbing either an instrument or an amp. I smiled down and Rae, and watcher her walk over to Delly and clutch her hand. As they started walking towards the park, I saw Rae, look behind her and wave at me. I waved back and grabbed my quitar and an Amp.Rydel's P.O.V
I walked towards the park with Rae clutching my hand. She is the cutest little girl. We got to the park and she ran to the slides. I walked towards the bench, and sat watching her play. I heard whispering, loud whispering "Is it really her?" Someone whispered. "I can't tell..." Someone else whispered back. "I can't be her..." The first person whispered. "I think it is..." Said the second voice. "I'm gonna go see..." Said the second voice confidently. I watched a guy casually stroll in front of me, glance in my direction. I watched his face turn to joy, then back to the 'I'm cool' face, and stroll back to the other. "Oh my freaking god! It is her!! Rydel Mary Lynch is sitting on the park bench next to us!!" He fan girled. I kept my laugh to myself. I list send to the two fan girl for a while, watching Rae play in the sand box with a little blonde boy no older than she was. I pulled my phone put to see the time, the concert starts in 2 hours. Just as I was about to turn my phone off, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see the Fangirling boy and a girl, "Uh excuse me but cab you sign these?" Asked the boy, I nodded and signed each of their notebooks. They were glancing between the bench and me. "You guys can sit down... I don't bite." I said, they both bolted for the seat next to me. I moved to the middle of the bench and had the boy to my right and the girl to my left. " So what are your guys names?" I asked. "I'm Nichole," (@Nicki_Rose) The girl answered first. "I'm Arron." Said the guy. "Nice to meet you, Now I know parks are fun and all, but why are you two here?" I asked. "Oh my mom wants us to watch my brother Ashton for a couple hours while she's at work." Arron said. "That's cool, which one is Ashton?" I asked looking at all the little boys. "The one talking to the little blonde girl in the sand box." He said. "That's so weird! He's talking to my neice, Raelynn, Ross' daughter!" I smiled. "That's So cool!" They both beamed. "So are you two like a thing?" I asked looking between the two. They looked at eachother with discusted faced and stuck there tongues out. "EWW!" They chorused. "We're best friends!" Nichole shouted. I nodded. "So you guys coming to the concert?" I asked. "I wish. You guys were sold out withing 10 minutes of selling tickets." Aaron whined. I laughed. "I can get you guys in! And Ashton can play with Rae while we perform." There mouths hung agape for a moment before tackling me with a hug! "Can I meet Ross?!" Nichole questioned excitedly. I nodded. "Well let's Go!! ASH COME ON!" Aaron shouted. The little blonde boy, Rae was talking to looked up and started running towards his brother. "Come on Rae!" I yelled almost getting dragged towards the building we are playing in tonight. She ran towards me.Ross' P.O.V
I sat on a couch in the dressing room, watchingvRiker pace the floor. He was mumbling to himself. "Where on earth can she be? Meet and greets start in 20 minutes. She probably met a boy! I'm gonna kill her... Then kill him for even talking to my baby sister!" He mumbled pacing back and forth. "Dude chill, my 3 year old is out with her and I'm not as uptight about it... Rydel is 21 years old and I think she can handle herself." I said earning a glare from Riker. I was about to open my mouth again but the door flew open. "Sorry we're late brothers, Rae didn't want to leave her new friend so... Here they are!" Rydel spoke moving from the door frame allowing the 3 people in. "Hey your the people from my brothers wall!" The little boy said jumping up and down l
Pointing at us. "What NO! He doesn't know what he's talking about!" The older boy said clamping his hand over the little hoys mouth to stop him from talking anymore. "OMG R5, someone pinch me!" The girl smiled happily. "So uh who are you guys?" I asked picking up my daughter. "I'm Aaron, and this is my little brother Ashton." Said the older guy. "And I'm Nichole." Said the girl. "Nice to meet all 3 of you" Rocky smiled. We continued small talk until we had to go to the meet and greets. After that we did the concert, then the signing. Rae played with Ashton the whole time. I really don't want my 3 year old daughter having a boy friend. After the signing was over we watched all our fans leave. We said bye to Aaron, Nichole and Ashton, then got in the car to go to the hotels for the weekend.
Sorry for such a long wait. I started this chapter a month ago, then wattpad deleted it, and now my mom is making me go to bed. Next chapter soon, but it will be a small chapter. NOW BYYYEEE GUYS!!!

Lynch's Little One (Ross Lynch's daughter FF)
FanfictionWho here knows Ross Lynch? Famous Disney Star? Main singer of R5? I think most of us do. How many of you know he has a 3 year old daughter? Well he does, her name is Raelynn Ever Lynch. Raelynn is a spitting image of her father, you can hardly tell...