I AM SO SORRY! I had absolutely no idea where this story was going. If you guys have any ideas of what should happen next, Leave suggestions in the comments or message me! (I was gonna do a Christmas chapter, but there's no point when the plot isn't moving somehow....)
Ross' P.O.V
"Becca!" I called out. Becca is our hair and makeup lady.
"Need a touch up?" She asked, she was holding bandages.
"No- what are the bandages for?" I asked confused.
"Oh, someone fell outside- scraped her knees and broke a finger.." She mumbled. I knew Becca was training to be a nurse. "What did you need me for?"
"Have you seen Rae? No one's seen her!"
"Well, the girl I'm helping had two toddlers with her. One might be Rae... I was pretty focused on helping her, and didn't really pay much attention to them."
"Can you take me to them?!" I asked desperately. She shrugged.
"Don't you have a show to be doing?"
"Rae's more important!"
"But they paid money to watch a show..." She had a point.
"I'll be right back. Stay here!" I ran off onto stage.
"Hey guys!" I got a roar of enthusiasm from the crowd. "I've got a little something to take care of back stage! Do you mind if we have a short intermission?!" The crowd awwed sadly. I looked at m,y siblings with a pleading look.
"How about, we do some full audience questions until Ross gets back?" Riker stepped up.
"I for one have some pretty juicy details to spill!" Ratliff called from behind the drums- causing the crowd to scream.
"Hurry back Ross," Rydel smiled, walking up to my space on center stage. Ratliff came up too and stood between Riker and Rydel. I turned to run off stage, but send my family a thankful look before taking off to where I left Becca.
"an we go now? she could be bleeding out!"
"If it was that serious you should've told me!"
"Well it's a possibility..." She mumbled. I rolled my eyes as we sped off. If this isn't Rae, then where is she? Why does this broken person have Rae? When could I have possibly lost Rae? Questions swarmed my head as we grew closer to a door.
"How are you feeling?" Becca asked walking into the room, as I stood outside the door.
"Alright I guess... A little broken and dizzy- but okay." A voice called, she couldn't of been older than 15.
"Charwie! Marshall wuvs Elsa!" A little girl called. That sounds like Rae...
"You'we silwy!" A young boy called. I turned the corner, and gasped of joy when I say my little girl sitting cross legged on the floor with a little boy about her age.
"Rae!" I called out.
"Hi daddy!" She giggled, standing up and wrapping her small arms around my knees. I swooped her up quickly and hugged her tightly.
"Where have you been?" I mumbled into her hair.
"I went to da pawk!" She beamed.
"The park?! who'd you go with?!"
"ME!" She laughed, my eyes widened. She wiggled around, trying to get out of my grip.
"Down, daddy! Down!" She fussed. I lowered her to the ground and she ran back to the little boy. I turned my attention to the teen, whose finger was in a splint. And her knees were both wrapped in cottony bandage. She was slightly hiding behind Becca.
"Bec, can you give us a moment?" I narrowed my eyes at Becca as she rolled her's at me.
"Whatever, Rossy." She walked out.
Maddison's P.O.V
"Rae!" I turned my attention to whoever the voice belonged to. Ross freaking Lynch was standing in the doorway. Is he gonna be mad? I was just returning her? I dove into freaking concrete to return her. If that stubborn security guard would've let me passed, none of this would've happened.
"Bec, can you give us a moment?" Ross asked.
"Whatever, Rossy." Beccas agreed. I silently wished she'd change her mind as she walked out. But, no such luck.
"How did you find my daughter?" Ross asked, a slight glare in his eye.
"She, uh was at the park alone... and my little brother was playing with her. I'd seen her in magazines and knew about her. I was just trying to make sure she got back safe!" I said quickly.
"How'd this happen?" He asked, gesturing to my scraped knees and broken finger.
"Your security guard wouldn't let me in... and surely wouldn't believe Rae was yours. I plotted out my act. I would fake fall and he'd let us in- only" I paused for a second
"only I had forgotten my choice of clothes this morning, shorts and concrete don't mix," I cringed a bit, "I guess I landed funny and that's how I broke my finger." I looked at my lap in embarrassment.
"You dove onto concrete to return Rae?" Ross asked with wide eyes.
"I couldn't let her stay there by herself... and she and Charlie really bonded." I smiled slightly, looking around Ross to see Rae and Charlie cuddling with the Paw Patrol toys, each sucking their thumbs. Ross followed my gaze and smiled slightly at the sight.
"Do you mind if I take a picture of that for Instagram?" Ross asked. I shrugged. Ross turned around, snapped the picture and uploaded it to Instagram. I felt my cheeks heat up when my phone chimed. I saw a small smirk on Ross' face as I slipped my phone out and set it to silent.
"Am I allowed back in, all powerful Ross?" I heard the lady who helped me ask.
"Sure, Becca" Ross rolled his eyes and sent me a small smile. "I'm going to take-"
"Maddison," I filled in after a moment of awkward silence
"I'm going to take Maddison, Charlie and Rae out to some ice-cream." Ross smiled.
"Dude, you still have a show to do," Becca rolled her eyes.
"Do you mind waiting a while? You can stay backstage and watch the show if you want?" Ross asked, antsy to get back on stage.
"Sure, I guess.." I mumbled. Meh, mom knows where we are. Ross nodded, picking Rae up. I pulled Charlie into my arms and followed Ross. I saw relief wash over everyone's faces as they saw Rae. Looks like my injuries were worth it...

Lynch's Little One (Ross Lynch's daughter FF)
FanfictionWho here knows Ross Lynch? Famous Disney Star? Main singer of R5? I think most of us do. How many of you know he has a 3 year old daughter? Well he does, her name is Raelynn Ever Lynch. Raelynn is a spitting image of her father, you can hardly tell...