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Author's Pov

After some couple of days

"Heaven... Please try to understand. Your mum and uncle will come back with in few days after completing their medical therapy sessions and checkups... "

"No I wanted to go with them but mum didn't let me to.. "

Irina sighed hearing Heaven's reply on whose face the sad and tensed pout was visible..

"Heaven.... "

"No Irina I just wanted to go with my mum for her routine checkups but she denied it.... "

"Because you need to recover too .. Well you're almost healed but still we need to take some precautions and at boss's private penthouse your mum and uncle will get the best treatment as he hired the best doctors for them in Russia and besides they will be here in couple of days.. " Irina stated tried to assure her .

"But.... "

"Heaven please try to understand they will be safer there as the entire place is highly under medical supervision and completely guarded and protected, boss make sure of that and everyone didn't allow you to go with them because you needed to be here in my supervision so that I can make you to completely recover as soon as possible.... "

A deep breath escaped from Heaven's mouth as she hung her head low and spoke

"But I just wanted my mum and Ahjussi to be with me... "

Irina suspired at her response and than softly cupped her face..

"They will Heaven... But just wait for a couple of days and if you will miss them so much you can call them or you can visit them too as they are only an hour away from here  with boss's permission.. Okay... "

After listening to her, Heaven finally exhaled a breath of relief and than slightly smile at Irina making Irina to returned the gesture and than caressed Heaven's cheek..

"He just want you and your family to to be safe and trust me he is doing his best to protect all of you... " Irina stated earning a nod from Heaven because she too knew that he was doing everything to protect her and her mum and uncle...

Irina smiled and patted her head and than got up from the bed

"Ok now wait here. I'll go and get something tasty for you to eat.. "

"I am not hungry Irina.. "

"Well very bad because I didn't ask I told you that we need to feed something tasty to your tummy. "

Heaven softly chuckled hearing her words making Irina grinned too..

"Ok wai.... "

"What's the most cutest person on earth is doing right now...? "

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