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I - Gift??

S - Yeah I mean let's say if someone wants to gift him..what would he wanted to be gifted??

I - Umm..well in my case he'll always have a list of things he wants to have or do on his birthday..but...(She pursed her lips thinking) it..

S - What is it??(She asked excited but then controlled herself)...

I - He likes hand-made gifts...umm a toy., drawing..or maybe even a letter...other than that he's just obsessed with merchandise products..

S - Ohh...

Su - Why are you suddenly so interested in knowing about his interests Sona..Even I could've answered your question..😜..

S - You...

Rohit was back by then,

R - said she'll be here in about 5 to 10 minutes...

I - Phew.. Finally.. let's go the canteen and get everything ready...


After some time, Veena, Ajit and Pooja were in the campus.... Sonaskshi was so nervous that she didn't even say a word to her except a really nervous and low..."Hi aunty"

R - Mom..I missed you so much..

Su - Yes ma, he's telling the can trust me on that..

V - Everyone misses you a lot Rohit..I was counting the days till your birthday..

R - Why?? What was the need for that?? You could've visited me even casually..

V - I can't come here every now and then right Rohit??

R - But...

"Timeout"...Ishita and Sumit said at the same time..

I - Now both of you stop it..and cut the cake before I take matters into my own hands...

He cut the cake..yet again..but this time with his family and friends...

He first fed to.......obviously his mom..and then everyone followed...

Veena has absolutely no inkling about Sonaskshi so was normal when Sonaskshi greeted her...

And soon everyone started chatting.. catching up on old stories..

Sonakshi silently excused herself and went to her room...

Meanwhile..Rohit took Ishita to the rooftop.. saying that he wanted to show her one of his favourite place in the college...

I - Wow dude...this..this view is just amazing...

R - Yep..and this being my favourite place.. and it's only fair if I bring my favourite person here too....Right??

I - Really Sippy??

R - What??

I - Do I look like an Idiot to you??

R - be honest...yes!!!

She glared and punched his arm...

R - Oww!!

I - whatever....Now...what were you telling?? I'm your favourite person??

R - Yeah obviously...

I - Rohit!! Do you really think you have the ability to lie to me??

R - No..Why would I lie to you...??

She sighed...

I - Come here....

She showed him the ground..He smiled very well knowing what she meant..

They both lied down on the ground with their hands supporting their heads looking at the clouds...

R - You know it feels such an "us" thing...Right??

I - Mm??

R - I mean come on..this is "our thing"..this.. lying down on the ground.. looking at the sky..

I - Really??

R - Mmm

I - Well..are you reallyyy sure that there isn't any other person with whom you would like to do this..

Rohit looked at her for a moment...

R - What do you mean??

I - You do know that I don't need you to say anything and your actions are just enough for me to understand you... Don't you??

He nodded his head..

I - should've also known that by now..I must've understood that you like Sonaskshi.....Right.?

He looked looked at her not really knowing what to say..

I - What?? You look like someone just said...the world is going to end in 3 three days..

R - I...just..

I - What?? Don't you think you should've told me about this..we were roaming together for almost 1 and a half hour..and you said nothing except that she is your friend and her name is Sonaskshi..

R - I was about to Ishu...

I - When?? After you both get married??

R - What? No..are you mad?? Why are you talking about marriage right now...?? And by the way..why would I marry without your permission??

I - Permission?? Don't you...fine just answer this question...why did you not tell me about her??

R - I told you Ishu I was going to..I mean come on dude.. I'm seeing you after almost 6 months..and what do you think the first thing I'm going to tell you that I like a girl??

I - Okkk but we were almost talking about literally stupid topics could've told this to me when we were talking about what would've happened if vibraniam was real...

R - Hey!! Come have to admit that we both really enjoyed that conversation..and it just kinda blended..

I - Stop justifying your actions and tell me why you didn't tell me about her..

He tried to open his mouth..

I - you don't want to talk to me about her??

She said now sitting on the ground..

R - What??

He sat up on the ground too...

R - What are you talking about??

I - Mm..I mean come on let's face it.. I AM... 2 years younger that matter what...and we just get to spend just 1 month together rest of it you spend in the college and that too you're staying in hostel.. like obviously you'll meet other people....and feel close to them... I'm not blaming any me.. it's it's just..this is natural..I...our relationship might not be the same way...and I just want you to tell me ok?? feel like I'm ever overstepping and if you want me to give you space... I'm honest Rohit... I'm not being sarcastic.. really.. I'll understand..

Rohit's face was unreadable..

R - Well..I was about to talk about this..I... you're right..I... might've become detached to you.. and you're right..I don't think I want to talk to you about Sona...

Ishita was stunned by his words..


Hey I am with the next chapter...

I hope everyone likes this chapter,

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I'll meet you all in the next chapter,

Till then,

Au revoir...

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