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Sonakshi dragged Raima from the canteen without letting her finish her sandwich. While Rohit for the first time in his life ignored the samosa in Sumit's hand and dragged him by his collar. Four of them reached their respective classes but RoNakshi never opened their mouth. Rohit was so immersed in the lecture given by their chemistry professor on 'Discipline' which made Sumit a bit scared. He never even cared about listening to lectures based on anything else other than studies. But even though he was worried about his friend his mind was thinking about the new girl he met in the canteen. She had a bubbly personality which attracted him. 'Raima' he said to himself and smiled, which caught Rohit's attention

R- What happened??

No response.

R- Sumit (he poked him with his elbow)

Su- Huh??

R- Why are you smiling??

Su-(in a low voice) Because of Raima.

R- What??

Su- Nothing

Rohit gave a suspicious look, but brushed it off.

" I might've spoken to her a bit a longer, if only Rohit and her friend didn't barge in and drag us from there" he sighed and thought to himself.

Although it looked like he was paying attention to the lecture Rohit's mind was wandering somewhere else (don't ask me where 😉).
The moment he saw her he was weirdly attracted to her he thought. When she had misunderstood him he was so upset in his heart but he didn't show it outside. His mind was telling him to focus on the lecture, but his heart was lamenting because SHE had misunderstood him. A girl he knew nothing about not even her name misunderstood her so what?? said his mind. You have to make her understand that even though you're a flirt you would never do such things said his heart while he was having an argument with himself he never realised when the lecture was over.
He felt a tap on his shoulder,

Su- Rohit

R- Hmm

Su- What happened?? Who is that girl??

Rohit sighed and told him everything because he knew he was the only one with whom he can share anything without any hesitation. He even told him about his confusing feelings which Sumit understood that he had fallen for her but didn't tell him because he knew his stubborn friend wouldn't agree with him anyway.

R- By the way, who was "THAT" girl??

Sumit pretended to be oblivious.

Su- Which girl??

R- The one you were talking to in the canteen.

Su- Oh HER!!

R- Yeah "HER"!!!

Su- Well her name is Raima, first year student.

R- And??

Su- And what??

R- Cut the act Khanna. Tell me EVERYTHING.

Su- I think...

R- You think???

Su- Maybe

R-(slightly grinning) Maybe??

Su- Ugh fine, I like her.

R- like "LIKE" her??

Su-(rolling his eyes) Yeah "LIKE" like her.

R- So finally Sumit Khanna has a crush

Su-"As if you don't" he muttered under his breath.

R- What??

Su- Nothing

And entered their Biology professor.

Raima was struggling to keep her eyes open when the students were asked to introduce themselves, she the first person to introduce herself since Sonakshi refused to even look at her. Finally when she did get up, she wasn't excited at all Raima thought. She was the one excited than anyone then why is she behaving this way🤔. What the heck happened and who on earth was that tall guy who dragged My Sumit from there?? Wait a minute."My Sumit" where did that come from?? "Raima" she chided herself blushing ☺️. Sonakshi noticed her smiling and blushing and raised her eyebrows asking what happened?? She just nodded her head in a No.

Sona was very upset because of that stupid ladder. He spolit her mood on the"FIRST DAY" of her college, she thought that he had intentionally bumped into her, but the fierece honesty his eyes had when he said "I AM not like others" made her a bit scared. Had she misunderstood him??
Did he really bump into her accidentally?? She hated being misunderstood and misunderstanding others that's why never she judges a person in their first meet. But then why did she had to jump into a conclusion that he HAD intentionally bumped into her. "It doesn't matter either way, he damaged your books, end of story" chided her mind. But "WHAT IF he was a good guy, WHAT IF he had bumped into her unintentionally" worried her heart she told both to shut up and let her listen to the class when she realised that it was over.

R- And now you'll tell me what happened.

S- What??

R- You don't know??

S- Fine.

And she narrated the whole event.

R- So he bumped into you wantedly??

S- Maybe.

R- Maybe?? So without knowing you scoled him?

S- I don't know Raima the moment I saw my books damaged I was very irritated.

R- You and your obsession with books.

S- Raima

Ra- Sorry.

S- So who was that guy??

R-(with an innocent look) Which guy??

S- So you're not gonna tell me??

R- (sighing) Sumit, Second year.

S- Ok, nothing else (with a smirk)

R- Alright, I like him.

S- That's my girl!!

Raima just blushed.

S- Oh God! You're blushing Ms.Sengupta??

Ra- Shut up sona.

S- So after the class I'll be going to the library, maybe you can talk to him then because I really don't wanna see that ladder again 😒.

R- Alright (blushing like a tomato 🍅)

And their Chemistry professor entered.

Hey guys, so how was this chapter?? I am confused totally. I hope everyone rememberes today is 26th September. Forgive me for any mistakes 🙏🙏. Please do vote and comment.

Till then,
Au revoir....

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