✨change of scenery✨

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The next few weeks were as normal, Jimin figured Hoseok was just going to be someone who will reoccur. Although the thought of that was good to him he knew a real relationship with the gangster was unrealistic.

From that point Jimin called it quits with Chanyeol, mostly for his safety. He'd be devastated if Chanyeol's demise was his doing. Jimin just returned to his regular routine, Jongin was sad to see Chanyeol leave his roommate. But from his prospect, Jimin didn't seem phased by it. Although it didn't stop Jongin from bringing it up one night.

The two men were sitting on the couch watching some movie on Netflix when the thought came to Jongin.

"Hey, why did you break up with Chanyeol? He seem like such a nice guy?" He looked over to Jimin. Jimin was on his phone; texting Hoseok, of course. Till he registered a human voice was actually speaking to him directly.

"Huh, oh. What?" Jongin just laughed, but he asked again.

Jimin rolled his eyes looking to the ceiling, a smile spread to his face. Might as well be honest. "I've meet someone else." Jongin's eyes widen, he didn't put the pieces together till now. Jimin excessive texting, and pretty much always on his phone. He was never like that before. "Ooo, who is he? Does he go here? Have you two fucked yet?"

Jimin was a bit taken aback by the question. "He's an independent worker, like freelance.." gangsters are technically freelancers. Jongin nodded wanting to hear more. "..And no I'm still a virgin."

"Still?" Jongin commented. "Yes still, I want that to be a special day. Plus he kinda lives in Daegu so I don't get to see him as much." Jimin frowned. "Well you have my blessing Jimin, as long as your safe and he makes you happy that's all that matters." Jongin said. A ping went off on Jimin's phone that interrupted their heart to heart.

Hoseok 🍬🍾😍❤️💕💞💓💗💖💝:

Imma pick you up tonight, taking you to a fancy restaurant. So dress nice! 😏

Jimin's eyes widen, chewing on his bottom lip. Jongin looked at Jimin's phone as he read the text, Jongin's tongue pushed against his cheek.

"Looks like that special day will come sooner then expected." He said wiggling his brows at Jimin. Jimin was nervous. He knew he had a deep attraction to Hoseok. They were seeing each other more, they weren't even officially together. And worst of all, Jimin knew eventually the proposition of sex would be brought up.


Jimin made sure to dress really nice. He wasn't sure if he should have wore a suit or just a blazer so he took a chance. He wore a light blue shirt with a black and white strip tie, along with a black blazer with a plaid print. It was an interesting color choice. He knew Hoseok would appreciate it since the man was secretly a fashionista.

In the few weeks Jimin decide to dye his hair a purple-pink color. He got compliments around campus for it.

Jimin was finishing the touches on his outfit when he got a ping. Jongin was in his room. Jimin didn't even have to look at his phone to know it was Hoseok messaging him that he was definitely in the car waiting for him. He glanced in approval at his look, thinking the glasses were a nice touch.

Jimin grabbed his keys and phone as he rushed out the door. Giving Jongin a quick Goodbye, the door was closed before he got a response. Jimin dashed down the hall, getting into the elevator he smiled to himself as it dinged open. Letting him off; outside was a familiar green mustang, Jimin couldn't help but smile.

He looked at the male inside. Hoseok seen Jimin as he stepped out of the car, Jimin raised a brow at the older's attire. He had a white dress shirt with green and orange zig-zag pattern suit. The shirt had a few buttons opened as his tattoo chest peaked through.

He had on black shoes with gold chain across as a heart-shaped smile appeared on his lips. Jimin ran up to Hoseok, Hoseok happily accepting the boy as he wrapped his arms around his waist.

Their lips shared a passionate kiss, Jimin's small hands caressed the male's face. "I missed you.." Jimin said softly. "I missed you too.." Hoseok said in return, holding him close.

"Your chariot, my dear.." he said smoothly as he opened the door, a hand gesturing the way. Jimin couldn't help but give a mochi smile. Hoseok's behavior did a complete 180. Jimin was bringing out the softer side in him he didn't realize existed.

They drove, Jimin spoke about his classes and upcoming exams. Hoseok thought about taking Jimin away on a trip. To Japan; the country mountains were beautiful, and the country itself was peaceful. Hoseok has thought about leaving the gang life behind for a while. But he didn't have a reason too, till Jimin came along.

"Enough about me, how's life been with you." Jimin asked as he looked over to the other. Hoseok chewed on his bottom lip. "..Jimin, have you ever thought about leaving Seoul?" Jimin's lips pursed in thought.

"Well, I mean I have thought about traveling in the future? Why?" He asked. Hoseok's palm hit the stick-shift. As he thought. "If I were to leave Seoul, would you come with me?" He asked as he momentarily glanced at Jimin before looking back at the road. Jimin had an unsure look, then a smile spread to his lips.

"I'd follow you anywhere Hoseok." He kissed the older's hand as he held it. That made Hoseok smile.

The rest of the drive was fairly quiet as they drove up to a prestige restaurant. Jimin was curious how Hoseok was able to get a table on such short notice? As they entered the restaurant, the hostess bowed showing them to their seats.

They were seated in the velvet booth, menus were placed in front of them. The waiter asked of their drink orders, before leaving. Jimin skimmed over his menu trying to find something good. Hoseok couldn't stop staring at Jimin, the younger caught the older's gaze. His eyes disappeared behind that mochi smile.

"What?" He giggled, his face getting flushed.

Hoseok just smiled, placing his palm under his chin. "Nothing, just.. I just like spending time with you Jimin. I regret a lot of things, but meeting you will never be one of them." His other hand slid up to the table, his fingers grazed across Jimin's hand. Jimin blushed.

"When I first saw you Hoseok, I thought you were this cool guy, but when I met you.." Jimin clicked his tongue. "I thought you were going to kill me.." Hoseok looked down, remembering that day.

Jimin's small fingers lifted his chin. "...But now, I feel so safe when you're around. I know you would never hurt me. Or put me in danger." Hoseok's hand clasped over Jimin's as he held it close.

"I would kill, or sacrifice my own life before they could even lay a finger on you." He said as he looked at him.

The waiter arrived with their drink orders, along with their entree orders. About 40 minutes later food was placed in front of them. They started eating about 10 minutes in Hoseok wanted to ask Jimin a question.

"Jimin, do your parents know you have interest in guys?" Jimin stopped, his fork was inches from his face. Jimin loved his parents but they were religious nuts. "They.. don't know. When I started college, I got more in touch with my sexuality." He said looking at him.

Hoseok never seen himself as gay or straight, if it looked good he was fucking it! His words.

"Have you ever thought of telling them?" He asked. Taking bites of his food but keeping his attention on Jimin. "If I do, I'd have to be far away.." Jimin gave a dry chuckle. Knowing his parents would disown him in a heartbeat.

They continued eating, Hoseok ordered them a bottle of champagne. As the cork bursted from the rim. Jimin chuckled, watching Hoseok pour the glasses. Handing Jimin a glass, he proposed a toast.

"A toast to, new beginnings!" Hoseok held his glass up.

"No matter, how far. Or how long, I'll always find my way back to you.." Jimin smiled, looking at Hoseok, their glasses clinked.

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