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It was comeback season in the K-pop industry, so when BTS arrived at the TV station, having a schedule for some stage recording, you could see some other groups there too. Some juniors were greeting and bowing to BTS as their sunbaenims when they walked past them to the waiting room, and they greeted them back.

"Hey, our waiting room is next to BigBang sunbaenims, let's go greet them first." Namjoon said while looking at the open door next to BTS' room.

BigBang was a famous boy group way before BTS. They were BTS' seniors and also their idol, but even so, they were so humble and nice to everyone, and that was what made them such great sunbaenims to BTS.

All the members came into the room and greeted them, including you. They had a little chit chat for a while, and that was when you saw TOP, one of BigBang's members, coming to you.

"Hi y/n, long time no see, how are you ?" He smiled at you, and hugged you slightly.

"Hi TOP-ssi, I'm good," You hugged him back, "You look great." You smiled widely as you were feeling great to see one of your old friends.

Well, he was actually not just your 'old friends', he was your ex a long time ago. It wasn't a serious romance though, just a short summer fling, and it ended up because of your both busy lives. But you both still remained good friends even when you rarely saw each other.

"Thanks y/n, you too. You just get more beautiful every time we meet." He said teasingly. You had to admit he was a smooth talker and such a flirt.

"Yeah, it's been a while since we last saw each other," You said to him, "This is your first comeback after you guys finished your military service, right ?" 

"Yeah, the long awaited moment." He chuckled.

You spent some time chatting with TOP before you went back to BTS' waiting room with all the members. Little did you know, while you were catching up with TOP, Suga was watching you both with a jealous look on his face.

The members had finished their taping and were going back to their dorm now since they didn't have any more schedule after this. 

You were on your way to the car with some of the members when you heard someone was calling you, it was TOP. He came up to you and the members greeted him as he greeted them back.

"Hey, you're still here ?" You asked him. You thought he already got back since BigBang had finished their taping first before BTS.

"Yeah, I'm waiting for you." He said, smiling at you.

"You're free now ? Can I take you out, we can have some dinner and continue our catch up before." He said again.

You flustered a little bit as you saw the members looked and smiled teasingly at you. They coded you to say yes, and you looked at Suga for approval, but he just looked at you nonchalantly.

"Umm okay," You finally said.

"Great. My car's right there," He said, gesturing to you to follow him.

"Bye guys !" He said again to the members before you both walked towards his car.

You looked at Suga again but now he didn't even look back. You felt a little bit annoyed, why did he have to act like this ? It was just a casual dinner with an old friend.

You're not even my 'real boyfriend' yet, and you already acted like this.

You rolled your eyes annoyedly and followed TOP to his car, leaving Suga there.


It was late at night and you finally got back to your apartment. The dinner was fun, continued with some drinks at the bar, making you come home late.

"Geez Suga ! You scared me !" Once again you got startled when you turned on the lights and saw Suga there, sitting on your couch.

"You need to stop doing this or I can get a heart attack." You said again, walking to him.

Suga wasn't saying anything, he just sat there and smirked nonchalantly at you. You looked at the bottle on his hand and his flushed face, you knew he must've been drinking.

"Are you drunk ? What are you doing here ?" You asked, looking at him with a straight face.

"How's your date ?" He asked, ignoring your words.

You sighed and sat next to him.

"It's not a date. Just dinner with an old friend." You said. You could smell the alcohol from your seat, he must've been drinking a lot.

"Bullshit." He smirked at you, "He's not just any old friend, he's your ex."

"It's a long time ago. And it's not even serious, it's just a fling." 

"Yeah, just like me." He chuckled, "Am I just a 'fling' for you ? A guy to play around ?" He asked defiantly, getting closer to you. He rested his head on your neck, sniffing them gently. You could smell the alcohol stung from his warm breath.

"Suga, stop it." You said firmly.

"What, you don't like it when I spill the truth ?" He said again, started kissing and nipping on your neck, "What did you guys do, huh ? Did he kiss you ? Or even more ?"

"Suga, stop it. You're drunk." You tried to hold him as his body got closer to you.

"Let me kiss you so you'll know that I'm a better kisser than him." He said again, pinning you on the couch as he kissed you forcefully. The kisses were harsh, dominant and lustful, very different from when the last time he kissed you.

"Stop it !" You shoved him hard, making him slumped on the couch.

"Why'd you never think about me, huh ?" He said hurtfully, "You know I love you so much. How hurt it feels to see your girlfriend flirting out with his ex in front of your face like that, huh ?!"

"Suga..." You said, tried to calm him down, but he cut your words.

"What if we change positions and you saw me going out with my ex like that ? Oh I forgot, you must not care because you never think of me as your boyfriend !" He said abruptly, making you lose your temper.

First of all, you never flirted with TOP.
Suga was drunk and he was out of his mind !

"Because you're not !" You snapped at him, "I never remember you as my boyfriend, and you already acted so jealous like this ! You have no rights over me !" 

You spat your words and Suga got astonished, he looked at you hurtly. He grabbed his car key and rushed out from your apartment, slamming the door behind him, leaving you there.


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