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Few days passed and the company's lawyer finally found the sasaeng who had blackmailed Bang PD. The company filed a lawsuit against her for extortion and trespassing into private property, but before everything could be handled, she already spreaded out the information to the media.

The media went crazy as the news made headlines everywhere, from the gossip sites to the national television.

The fans went crazy too, ARMYs had some mixed reactions, some were supportive, some felt disappointed, but mostly they felt betrayed and demanded for you and Suga to broke up. Some even went further and threatened to boycott BTS and held a demonstration in front of the company building for days.

The sponsoring companies were also pressuring BigHit to solve this problem immediately as their sales fell further down due the boycott from the fans.

It was a very intense time for the company and BTS themselves, some contracts had been terminated, TV appearances got canceled, and false rumors were spreading everywhere. Of course this was very detrimental to BTS and the company, and very disappointing to the fans.

Bang PD was considering revoking your position as BTS manager, not firing you, but moving you to another department that wasn't connected directly with BTS. But all the members disapproved, they wanted Bang PD to keep your position no matter what, and looking at your great job and accomplishments all these past years, he finally gave up his intention.

But you couldn't keep these chaotic situations any longer, you had to find the way out for all of this before it got any worse.

You had to fix this problem, starting with you and Suga.


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