Passing Pink Cloud - An Anidita OS

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Hi friends,

I wrote an OS on Anidita for the first time and wanted to share it here with you all. I am not a regular watcher and hence maybe this OS lacks some character justice. Please read it and let me know your feedback. That would mean a lot to me. 


Anirudh got shocked when he heard that their village guards have captured two girls from Krishnanagar as prisoners. He cannot believe that his people have stooped so low to take revenge. He scolded everyone and started walking towards the courtyard where they kept the girls as prisoners.

He saw two girls kneeling with their faces covered with black cloth. Both seemed very young and probably unmarried. He heard muffled sobs from the girl who is wearing yellow salwar. She is crouching and her head is bowed down. He felt pity for that girl and angry with Thakumma. How dare she compels her innocent village people to do her dirty works? In anger, he slightly turned and found the other girl wearing a pink salwar.

Her posture surprised him. She is kneeling straight and her face though covered is looking up to him. He knows that she can see his face but what intrigued him is that no girl had looked up at him. For some reason, he could not stop gazing at that black cloth-covered face. When that pink girl tried to get up from her position, a guard came forward to stop her. But, Anirudh signaled him to stop.

The pink girl stood up facing him. She walked close to him and stopped just one foot away. She is the same height as him. He is marveled at her courage. This girl got captured by her enemies and the other girl who accompanied her is crying buckets just two feet away but still, she is standing up to their capturer. He always likes brave girls – it is almost his weakness. Few more minutes passed and no one spoke. The girl didn't say anything because her mouth is tied but why he is not talking is beyond his reasoning. His fingers itched to remove the black cloth covering her face. He got shocked because of this new temptation. Temptation?

Anirudh Roy Choudary is beyond desire and temptation. He had already sacrificed his life and career for the welfare of his village people, but then what is this new feeling confusing him now. Whatever it is, he is not going to let this ruin his eight-year routine. He tightly closed his fists and blew a deep sigh to control himself. This action worsens his condition more since his heavy blow moved up the black cloth covering her face slightly making her neck visible. It is clear as marble and he wondered how it would feel to touch there.

He gasped and turned back away from her. He blinked furiously to get rid of this disgusting thought from him. This had never happened and he felt ashamed of himself. He took a deep sigh and ordered the guards to send those girls back to Krishna Nagar. The whole room became silent. Even the muffled sob is no longer is heard. He guessed that the yellow salwar girl must be happy to hear his order. He is not sure about the pink girl though. To be honest, he cannot decode her and her body language. She seems brave. Is she the leader of this newfound female spy group of Krishna Nagar?

He could not help but smile at how a tiny-looking girl could be a leader and how much it would be funny to witness her issuing her orders to other girls. His smile vanished when he saw a guard dragging the said leader crossing him. He shouted to him to leave her suddenly surprising others and himself. The guard right away removed his hand from her and held his hands up high as if surrendering to him. Everyone is looking at him in shock and he gulped thinking what reason he could give as an excuse.

He looked around and found another guard standing in a similar posture next to the yellow churidar girl. He exhaled loudly in relief. Though his outburst is exclusive to the pink girl, he doesn't think anyone realized it. He scolded both the guards for manhandling girls and ordered the girls to move forward themselves out if they don't fancy death. The yellow salwar girl started walking right away to the exit. But the pink girl doesn't move an inch. He felt angry at this girl who seems to be adamant about being unique. She only started moving after a guard nudged her with his gun.

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