Part 8

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HY: Y/n ah! Save me from your crazy boyfriend! He tried to kill me!!

He yelled while running in the dorm with Lee Know chasing behind him while holding a knife. Your eyes widen and stopped Lee Know.

Y/n: Woah baby baby chill. Don't play with your knife, okay?

You take the knife from him and put back at the kitchen.

Y/n: What did you do now Hyunjin?

HY: I just said that Soonie is fat.

LK: He is not fat! He is just chubby and cute!

HY: Hey, don't get mad.. Atleast I know you have three cats not like Seungmin and Felix.

SM: Because its not important.

FL: Sorry hyung, but I do know them now!

LK: Hey hyunjin.

HY: What?

LK: Do you crave for tissues?

HY: N-no. I'm sorry please spare me! Soonie isn't fat! He is cute! Cuter than me!

LK: Of course he is.

Y/n: Okay stop fighting already. I came here for peace.

SM: Then you won't get that peace forever girl. This house is very very loud. Just wait until Han and Changbin hyung come home. They along with Hyunjin is the loudest.

HY: Hey! I'm not!

SM: Yeah sure.

Your phone suddenly ringing so you go to the kitchen to answer it. Its an unknown number.


Y/n: Hello? Who is this?

??: Oh baby did you forget me already?

-You froze hearing the voice.

Y/n: S-seojun? (just random name)

SJ: Oh you remember me! Don't ever think you can run away from me baby. I let you free for 2 years and I see that you already replace me.. I will take you back or your lovely boy will die in my hand.

He end the call. You sigh as your body is trembling with fear. Seojun is your ex boyfriend. You both broke up because he was an abusive and he cheated on you also because he is a killer. You are afraid of him.. But now you are just scared that he might hurt Lee Know or any of your friends. Lee Know saw you zoning out so he tap your shoulder.

LK: Hey, you okay?

You look at him slightly smile and nodded.

Y/n: I'm fine.

LK: But you don't look okay. You are shaking and sweating. What happened?

Y/n: Nothing-

LK: Y/n, don't lie to me.

He said sternly. You were thinking whether you should tell him or not. You've never told him about your ex.

Y/n: Um.. I-

You got cut off by Han's scream.

Han: Y/n!!! Where are you bestie!

He came to the kitchen and hug you as soon as he saw you.

Han: I miss you~

Y/n: We need to talk alone.

You whispered. Han broke the hug and look at Lee Know.

Idol in Luv- Lee Know SKZ FFWhere stories live. Discover now