The Gym

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          You and Louis had been dating for a few months and have really gotten into working out. You go on runs together and have recently started boxing.

You were training in his private gym one day where you were sparing with Louis. William, Louis' friend was there as well, as he did boxing as a hobby. You and Louis were both getting tired when your alarm went off "shit." you said "I have to be in a meeting in twenty minutes."

You walk over to your bag and put your water inside before turning to Louis. With a smile on his face he asks "hey, we still on for tonight?". Walking up to him you answer "of course, decide what movie we're watching while I'm gone ok?". You kissed him on the cheek before he quietly answered "okay"

You grabbed your bag off the ground and sprinted towards the door, hurrying to your meeting. Louis stood silently where you left him, smiling to himself.

 William walked up to him, wrapping his hands and looking in the direction you went " you know Y/N really is good for you man" . Louis tilted his head towards William and said "yeah?". In response he said "yeah. I mean you smile like an idiot whenever she's around you, or hell, whenever you think about her-" he leaned down to look at Louis who had been looking at the ground and smirking to himself this whole time 

"-like right now". 

William walks away to grab his beg and when he makes it to the door he turns around and says to Louis " Oh yeah, and you were defiantly pulling your punches with her"

As a blush spreads across his cheeks Louis mumbles "shut up man" and turns away smiling as William calls "Later!"


Author's Note:

Sorry if this one seems a little short, there's gonna be longer ones in the future. Keep in mind I'm still a new writer and I need ideas and suggestions. Off topic,  but I'm pretty sure my friends read these so if you know me, no you don't. 

words: 347


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