The Fight

299 11 32

TW:  sexual assault and fighting


I timidly walked through the threshold of the door, the floor vibrating faintly beneath my feet from the beat of the music. The bitter smell of beer and salty sweat flooded into my nose as I took a few more shaky steps in. The lights flashing off the walls synced to the base in the music and to my headache. I could feel the rough fabric of my dress rubbing against me. 

It was already too much and I was never one for parties anyway. I turned on my heels and decided to leave after a whole 40 seconds inside. That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me to turn around. I turned my head in the direction of whoever this was. 

My eyes were met with my boyfriend, his blond hair already stuck on his forehead with sweat. With slurred words he said "Hey, y/nnnn, where are ya going?". Drunk already. Great.

Before I even opened my mouth to answer he was pulling me into the sea of people. Drinks splashed left and right as my boyfriend stumbled through the crowd, leading me in a dizzy haze to a couch at the end of the room. He slumped lazily onto the end and forcefully pulled me on top of him. I felt gross and my skin pricked with a weird itch.

"I'll be right back, babe." he dragged out with heavy eyelids. His hot breath burned down my neck. At the moment all I wanted was for him not to be touching me anymore so I gave an unsure nod of my head. He got up and walked over to the table and continued to fill a red solo cup. 

My gaze shifted to the crowd in the middle of the room that was huddled around the speaker. I don't know what I was looking for, an excuse to leave? The comfort of a familiar face?  I would find none of these before my boyfriend came back with a look on his face I could not place. 

Then it came to me, his red eyes were swarming with mischief.  The same look he had given me in the past. When he had picked me up for our first date, or when he would help me sneak out.

But those days were long gone. The days of a new, happy relationship that made your stomach turn inside out and butterflies swarm into your throat seemed distant and almost impossible. I had not been happy with my current boyfriend for months but I guess I was still holding out on the idea that we could have that relationship again. That we could manage to turn back the clock. 

My boyfriend noisily made his way over to me and shoved the solo cup into my hand. I sniffed the dark liquid and the scent made my eyes burn. "Just drink it already" he said with a messy waver of his voice and a smirk playing on his face. 

Oh fuck no. I have enough girlfriends to know what it looks like when a guy spikes your drink. Even so I didn't want to believe he would do that. He isn't that bad. Right?

I tapped my toe nervously against the hardwood floor and said, "I uh, I have to go to the bathroom". His brows moved together in an anguished expression "do you want me to hold your drink?".  "No its ok, I got it."

I waltzed away to the bathroom and shut the door. To my relief the ceaseless sound of the music was muffled and I could finally take my first deep breath of the night. With a sigh I dumped whatever the drink was into the sink and filled it back up with water. 

I rested my hands on the counter and reluctantly looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't recognize the person who looked back at me. A girl crippled by the wants and expectations of other people. Trapped in her own mind. I couldn't even remember who I was before I was with my boyfriend. Somehow he had managed to strip away my personality and make my connection to him who I was. Now a sad girl with sunken eyes stared into mine, pleading for a way out.

I told myself that it wasn't time to dwell on these things and I emerged back into the main room. The sound hit me like a wall and I was sure my hearing took some damage. I walked over to the couch when my boyfriend stood up and pulled me into the crowd. 

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