ramen and gen

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LAST NIGHT, Senku told them what happened to the modern world back then. Chrome was in tears, he vowed to help Senku restore the modern world from where it was before. They also discussed Ruri, the village priestess and Kohaku's sister. She seemed to have a disease that is currently declining her health. Senku decided to help them, in order to gain more allies, so he made a roadmap to how to make the sulfa-drugs.

"How come that star shines brighter than most?" Kohaku asked, "That's because it's the north star, it should point where the north is" Senku told her. Natsuko was sleeping on his lap. "Hmm...that doesn't look north to me" Kohaku said, "Yeah, it looks way off" Chrome added.

"That's not possible, the north has been the north for thousands...of...years..." Senku trailed as came into realization. "The earth's axis has shifted! That's why my sextant is so shitty" Senku chuckled, Natsuko stirred in her sleep, making him stiffened a bit.

"My...I'm glad she's asleep right now, she would laugh at me for not noticing that the earth's axis shifted from it's place" Senku stared at the blonde on his lap and strayed a hair away from her face. "I knew it wasn't the north through this" Chrome showed him a basin filled with water and a leaf on the middle with iron sand. Senku's eyes widened, "It's iron!" He quietly exclaimed. "Of course you know about this" Chrome grunted. "This will be our agenda for tomorrow" Senku told them. Kohaku looked at the blonde on Senku's lap, who was sleeping peacefully.

"What about her Senku? How did you met her? From the looks of you two, you look more than partners to me" Kohaku asked. She's really persistent to know their current relationship. She ships them so much.

"Believe it or not, this woman is older than me back in our time" Senku started. "I met her when she and her father, Hayato, moved next to our house. She was smaller than me. I thought she would be an annoying little girl that was more into fariry tales and happy endings, she even got my name wrong, but I was wrong. She's even more intelligent than me when we were kids. I then learned that her father is a government assassin and that's she's training since she was five" Senku stroked her hair.

"She kept me guarded at all times, it was like I have a personal bodyguard you know? She fought all the people that we're laughing at my inventions, and she always won. In middle school, we were eating out with my dad and hers, Hayato then joked about us getting married in the future. Nina was intrigued with that idea and from then, she kept proposing to me" Senku told them, "Let me guess...You never answered her?" Kohaku sneered, she just knows that it would be his answer.

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