Early Morning

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A/N: Hello there! This is a collection of Jaya fanfics and it's my very first time ever writing on Wattpad. So, hopefully you enjoy this! (Edit: I changed the title and I admire the people who can come up with clever names for their chapters.)

Nya's POV 

I woke up slowly to the darkness of the room, blinking away sleep and yawning. 

I looked over beside me, and my yin was still sleeping peacefully. His features were soft and cherubic as he continued sleeping, with his mouth slightly open. His arms encircled me loosely.

I turned to my side, nestling closer and placing a hand on his bare chest, and tucking the other under my head. He didn't wake up, but a soft snore snuffled out of him, and he shifted a bit. I smiled to myself.

"Jay," I whispered. He was so cute and lazy when he just woke up, and I wanted to enjoy that for a bit.

I carefully maneuvered his arms away from me. An adorable little frown appeared on his face, and he shifted again.

I sat up and softly trailed a finger from his collarbone to his navel, and then went back up to run my finger down the line of his very defined pectoral muscles and trace his abs. I looked at his face; he wasn't awake yet. "Jay," I said, a bit louder.

I left a trail of kisses down the side of his neck, then pressed my lips to his; I was growing impatient and I wanted him awake.

Finally, Jay's eyes opened a bit, an absolutely adorable expression of confusion on his face as he used his fist to rub at his eyes, and he blinked a little before focusing on me. He smiled. It was a sleepy, sleepy smile.

"Good morning," I said softly, placing a kiss on his forehead. 

"Mmm," he mumbled, his arms snaking around my waist and pulling me back down next to him. "Good morning," he whispered, his voice gravelly from sleep. He nudged my nose with his, arms tightening around me as his fingers trailed down to the hem of my shirt- actually, his shirt. Our bare legs tangled together and he tugged the shirt up a bit. 

"What, no one-liners?" I teased. "Usually you start out with a pickup line or something."

"Maybe I'm just too lazy today," he told me, brushing his lips over my neck. My elemental power trembled a bit under my skin, reacting to his touch even more when his fingers inched their way up my thigh. 

My breathing hitched a bit and I ran my hand down his bicep, not wanting to be outmatched. His muscles reacted instantly, tensing under my touch. I cupped his face and played with a wild lock of his gorgeous curly hair.

In a flash, I was on my back, being pressed into the mattress by the Master of Lightning's body on top of mine. His lips claimed mine greedily and he tugged my shirt up to my waist.

I trailed my finger down his back and fingered the elastic band of his boxer shorts. His breathing stopped for a second, pausing the kiss for a mere moment before kissing me again, his tongue running along the seam of my lips. I parted them for him and his tongue swept in, dancing with mine and coating every inch of my mouth. My elemental power responded in kind, and I could feel it rising up.

I moaned uncharacteristically loudly when he nipped at my bottom lip and pushed my shirt up farther, perilously close to exposing my breasts. He paused, panting, obviously pleased with my reaction and enjoying the way I squirmed as soon as he broke the kiss.

"What's wrong?" Jay purred. "Can't get enough of me?" He ducked his head, kissing along my jawline until his mouth hit the softest, most sensitive part right below my ear that made me tremble every time he pressed his lips to it. 

I grumbled something under my breath.

"So impatient," he tsked, and right then I had had enough playing around, even for a few moments. I latched my ankles tightly around the small of his back and hooked my arms securely around his neck. A tremor wracked his body, sparks flying off of him, and I knew I had regained the upper hand. 

I pulled his lips back down to mine, sliding my tongue into his mouth, and he groaned, the sound causing my power to pulsate under my skin. 

Jay slid his hands into my hair, angling my head in such a way so he could deepen the kiss, and our lips and tongues clashed for a few more moments before I broke off the kiss first, gasping and panting. Jay was breathing just as heavily, fingers still intertwined in my hair. 

"Why'd you stop?" he asked in a low and husky voice that sent a tremor down the length of my spine. 

I gulped another breath. "If we kept going, I'm afraid the sprinkler system will go off and the plumbing will go crazy like both did last time. And then everyone else is going to know it was us, just like last time. And last time was very embarrassing."

"Mmm." The Master of Lightning had the audacity to slide his hands across my ribs while I was talking. My nostrils flared. He licked the side of my throat and mouthed at my collarbone and gently kissed the hollow of my throat. 

Before I could get him back, there was a knock at the door and it slid open, and Jay stiffened but then scrambled to cover me up with the blankets and sheets and we both sat up.

"ExCuSe Us," I said, shielding my eyes from the light streaming in. "We were kind of busy."

Lloyd stood there for a second, blinking rapidly. "Okaaaay. I just wanted to tell you guys that we're heading out for breakfast. Do you want to come?"

"I have my breakfast right here," Jay said slyly, leering at me. I blushed, hard. He would pay for that later.

Lloyd blinked again, a confused look on his face. "So... you don't want to come?"

"No, I don't like the places you guys go to, and besides, Nya and I have some things to do," Jay said. "Shoo, Green Machine!"

Lloyd quickly slid the door shut, obviously glad to leave us.

I sighed, then glared at Jay. "Why do you have to say things like that?" I asked.

"Eh, just to get rid of him. Now, I think you and I have some unfinished business to take care of." Jay climbed back on top of me, giving me one of those gorgeous smiles of his. I smiled back, and we collapsed back onto the bed. 

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