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(as I've said before! this is a oneshot for rewrite poyw, taking place all over the timeline~!!! starting from within D1 and ending just before D3!!!! enjoy~!!) ALSO, THIS WAS 51 PAGES AND 15267 WORDS


You were kinda glad your room ended up being across from Harry and Gil's, it gave you more opportunity to hang out with them casually than others, you could walk with them to breakfast, classes, even dinner.

The cookie helped with hanging out with Harry too, being his girlfriend now.

Your 'normal world where only Thomas Doherty actually exists' self was screaming with delight, you have had a crush on the pirate/actor since you first saw him in the D2 trailer, and to live out your fanfiction was the dream.

Now you just constantly patted yourself on the back for keeping cool around him, your heart fluttered with every sigh, every smirk, butterflies swarming your gut when he looked at you, or laughed. Cheeks flushing when he rolled his neck or flexed.

You were hopelessly falling for this pirate and you weren't complaining one damn bit.

You just hoped that it would continue after the coronation.


Harry was never really sure when he fell for you, it just sorta...happened. But he remembered when he realized he liked you.

It was before the coronation, the fateful day the vks chose good. It was just a random day, he hardly even remembered what classes he had. But he was sitting with you at lunch, staring at you absentmindedly as you talked about something or other, watching your face express a variety of emotions and feeling that flutter in his chest that had appeared recently whenever he looked at you.

'she's so cute' he thought, a gentle smile blooming on his face as you continued to rant about whatever it was, something about a tv show maybe? He sat up slightly as he registered his thought 'wait what?'

He-he wasn't supposed to think that? You-you were just a tool to get the wand...weren't you?....weren't you?

He looked down at his hands for a moment, fiddling with his hook, the symbol of his parentage, his root of evil, then he looked back at you, that fluttery feeling returning full force as the afternoon sun lit you up perfectly, your eyes shining as you laughed at something you said, looking at him with a scrunched nose and squinted eyes. "Right?"

"Ay-aye" Harry rasped out, nodding along to whatever you had said, unable to keep the smile off his face as you looked back down at your homework, your free hand going to rest on the back of your neck.

Shit, maybe you were more than a tool to get the definitely meant a lot more to him than that. He couldn't exactly name his feelings yet, but he knew it was "like-like" and that's the best he could do.

Moments - Rewrite POYW oneshot - Harry Hook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now