Part 42

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Third point of view


"You should never give him to much sweets"
" Always look after him"
" Don't let him be on the tv screen so much"
" Clean him if he messess
"Never shout at him"

Today is the time I promise I'll spend time with my little little brother but we haven't even leave their dorm and they are giving glares and a lot of rules Seriously doesn't they think I can't handle my brother

"Okay I noted it all we have to go and thank you" I carried yoongi bag which are all his essential and seriously it's like he will be having a 1 week trip I never knew they'll be this protective

"I'm telling you if you return hyung incomplete you'll taste my wrath" it was taehyung who told me that this kid has been eyeing and blood boiling Everytime we see each other

"Bye dwaddies " yoonie said waving to his daddy

"Yoonie call us if you're in trouble" I heard them said before we got out and went to our car . I place yoongi in the passenger seat securing his seat belt

"Hyung were going??" He asked excitedly that I can't stop to smile with his adorableness I should have done this a long time ago

"Ahmmm where do you want?" I ask because I really don't know where little would enjoy to go

"Ahmmm amusement pwark" he excitedly said amusement park well it's not on the list where we shouldn't go

"Okay amusement park it is" I said while starting driving while the little one on my side was singing a child song I don't even know what

"Yoongi are you excited??" I asked him wanting to get to know him more and nod continuously

"Ewxcited rides vroom vroom" I just chuckled of how cute he is

"So yoongi can you tell hyungie about yourself" I saw how he stop for a while before continuing

"I'm yoonie I'm now three I luv kumamon and ice cream my fwavorite awnimal is cwat . And I love my dwaddies" he said joy and excitement can be heard on his voice

" And I love hyungie " he added that fluttered me so much big or little he is still my cute little brother who needs a lot care . I truffled his hair and pinch his cute chubby cheeks and focused my eyes on the road

After like half an hour of ride we finally arrived at our destination I park the car and gave rules at little yoongi first

"Okay so you have to wear your mask okay? And stay beside me don't go alone Am I clear yoongi?"

"Yes hyungie "

I took my bag and some important necesitie leaving the unnecessary things they gave me seriously why would they put a lot of clothes,medicines and first aid kit on yoongi's bag

I got a ticket for both of us and we entered the amusement park I secured that his identity is still hidden and I hold his hand afraid I might lose him in that state of him

"Hyungie look horsie" I look at what his pointing it was a carousel he quickly drag me on the line.Wow I never knew I could ride a carousel at this age but I just did

Yoonie was excited riding the horse while I am beside and riding on the other horse making sure he wouldn't fall of I could see the stares from other people I think they really think of me as weird imagine two adults was riding a carousel for kids I just bow down my head to avoid the stares but yoongi is just

"Yeheyyyyyyy" he shouted after getting out

We have transfer from one ride to the others I was expecting him to be the scared little because a big yoongi wouldn't try to ride a roller coaster viking or at of the rides here I was expecting because his little he will just be on the carousel or bump ride but how did he become so extreme

We just got the ride where you were being thrown in the air and yoongi here was still excited having a lot energy while I'm here legs wobling and ready to throw up But before I could get back to my senses I was being drag to one of the stall

I got him snacks and we seated in a far away bench away from the sight of people and yoongi was enjoying his food and I'm feeling a little bit dizier

"Thwank you Hyungie you the bwest" I could hear him say that just made me smile how cute he is.he continue eating while I'm here trying to bring back my senses and remaining conscious my head totally Hurts a lot I never ride those rides because I'm not that extreme but yoongi had made me to sit

"Just let me rest for a while and we can go home" I told him while I was resting my head on the bench after a few minutes where I feel fine I get up and massage my head a little

"Come on yoongi let's go" I grab our bag and when I look beside me where yoongi was just eating he was nowhere to be found .I start to panic

"Sh*t where did yoongi go" I look around but I wasn't able to spot a boy wearing a white shirt and black short with a kumamon hat he was freaking lost .Bangtan would probably kill me seriously

I took my phone to call him it rung and I was relief when he answered it

"hello" it wasn't yoongi it was jin I quickly hung up the phone while heart beating fast .Now I'm fucked up

I saw my phone ring and it was yoongi whose phone was left in the dorm and was being hold by Jin they probably sense a problem I turn off my phone afraid to be contacted I began searching for my little brother

"Where are you yoongi come on I don't want to die yet" now I'm thinking of all the possibilities that could happen to yoongi and on what the other bts members will do if they found out I lost yoongi but I really need to find him

I was slowly losing hope I was planning to go back to the bench where we stay and I took out my phone contemplating if I should call them or not which I eventually did it is now or never

"Hello" I said and I could hear rumbling on the other side

"Heyyyy Hyung is something wrong is yoonie okay" it was namjoon should I thank it's not jin I let out a breath and compose the word I would say

"Yoongi is-----" I wasn't able to finish my words when I saw yoongi sitting in the bench eyes roaming around

"Hey hyung what happen yoongi"

"Yoongi is fine" I said before hanging up and rush to him

" Hey where did you go.I was worried about you"

" Ahmm bought hyungie mwedicine bwecause hyungie head hwurts" he said handling me the medicines for head ache I pat his head and give him my genuine smile

" Thank you yoongs but don't do that again I though I'll be dead a second ago" I said that made him confuse when my phone rang again and when I saw the caller id I just laugh

" Speaking of the devil's " I answered it and the face of the six members was fit in the screen

" Heyyy you where's yoonie what did you do to him" it was Tae I just rolled my eyes and show yoongi on the camera which he wave to them

" Hi dwaddies I'm so happy" he said so glee

And they keep talking there while I am here enjoying the conversation between them I never yoongi could be love and cared by this 6 dorks more than I do

They asked yoongi if they can talk to me and I was expecting some backlashes or rude words but what they just made me in tears

"Thank you for making our baby happy" that what they said I have them a genuine smile before hanging up the phone and focus on yoongi

"So let's go yoongi" I asked him reaching my hand to him which he grabs

"Let's go hyungieeeeeee"

We happily walk enjoying each other company.This is one of the best days of my life as it was my first time to make my little brother happy and I'm rooting for more.Who knows he might be lost a hundreds but he always find his way coming back to us because he is our star .And I'll be his best hyung forever

A Little Problem: A BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now