V26: Darkness Comes

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Author's Note: I finally finished a chapter after a month, let's go!!!!! Also there's probably going to be some misplays because I write without double checking lmfao


It was an hour after the fight between Haruka Kojima and Xiaojian Xiang; with Miyaji and Hitsue both having 1 win and 1 loss, they were even. There was only one last fight to decide which club would win the match. During the one hour interval however, the cardfighters needed to have a break and so the fight would resume as the announcer says.

Ryu Ono, the secretary of Fukuhara Cardfight Club was at the cafeteria, eating his own meal. Though everyone in the cardfight club insisted that they should all just eat in the VIP section, Ryu decided to eat alone in the public cafeteria. 'Bunch of silver spoons,' he thought to himself as he munched on his mac and cheese. 'Not bad, the macaroni isn't too soggy and the cheese was perfectly mixed well alongside the milk. I should definitely try this out at home...' While the secretary was taking a mental note, he noticed that some Miyaji Cardfight Club's members gathered for lunch. Of course, it was Kouichi Sendou's group.

'Kouichi Sendou... the middle child of Dr. Aichi Sendou and former idol Kourin Tatsunagi. He isn't a bad cardfighter at all, but due to his PSYqualia his personality changes from time to time, to the point where I should call him a two-faced cardfighter.' Ryu thought and suddenly noticed that there was a figure standing in front of his table, a young woman donning the Hitsue uniform. "Onee-chan..." He called as he saw his sister.

It was Ritsu Ono, the president of Hitsue Cardfight Club and Ryu's older sister. Ryu respects her a lot and in fact, they are almost partners in crime. But despite them being quite the same, they're still different. Ritsu is much more mysterious than Ryu himself, and she knows a lot more than him. It was something that Ryu can't beat.

"Onee-chan, what brings you here?" Ryu asked as he watched Ritsu sit down in front of him and took her own lunch box out. Ritsu then munched down her full meal; rice and tonkatsu with sauce.

As Ritsu stopped and grabbed a napkin to wipe off the excess sauce from her lips, she looked at her younger brother with a smile and replied. "I just wanted to eat with you, Ryu-kun. Is that a problem?"

"No, no it isn't. In fact, I'm quite sure there is a reason why you suddenly decided to be here." Ryu speculated as he took a bite on the piece of tonkatsu that Ritsu spoon-fed to him. "Thank you, did you make this? It's delicious."

"Oh yes, I did. That was the reason why I left the house a little bit late." Ritsu said. "And to answer your question; yes, I came here to say that the Kojima-san that Xiaojian-san fought against is the vessel of Gyze."

"The girl that was used as Gyze's vessel but failed? I see..." Ryu said. "So how did it go?" He then continued to eat his own mac and cheese.

"Xiaojian-san wasn't able to get more information. At this point we can't find the one who initiated it all, and if we're not quick enough..."

"The perpetrator might try again and..."

"Disaster will fall through everyone's heads."

Both the siblings just nodded at their statements, agreeing to each other's points. It was something alarming after all, and as much as they needed to tell this to everyone, it wasn't as easy as they thought it would be.

A few moments later, there was an announcement calling the participants to go back to their blocks. Ritsu and Ryu both stood up, about to leave the premises. But before they did so, Ryu put his hand on Ritsu's shoulder.

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