Character Quirk Recap

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(Y/n) (L/n)/Biohazard: (Pandemic) his body involuntarily generates a virus from the pores in his skin instead of sweat. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, extreme headaches, and short term comatose.

Byoki (L/n)/Patient Zero: (Epidemic) basically the same thing as Pandemic, but instead it only comes out of his palms and he can actually control it.

Netsu Goguru/Red Eye: (Thermal Vision) by blinking his eyes twice he's able to see the heat signatures of people and objects.

Kitsuna Yukimi/Zenko: (Arctic Fox) he can basically do anything an arctic fox can such as withstanding temperatures as low as -58 degrees.

Kiku Boryumu/Ladadiva: (Amplifier) her quirk let's her increase the volume and pitch of any sound she hears, including her own voice.

Plague: (Black Death) his body emits a black mist that, upon inhalation, causes the victim to go into cardiac arrest and die in mere seconds.

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