𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1: 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧

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  Two days after the Revolutionary War, Alexander Hamilton and Marquis De Lafayette were sitting on the docks at 2 a.m. They both had 4 shots each of whiskey and 3 cups of ale, Alexander had his face in his hands as he cried. Marquis had his wrap arm around Alexander while in his left hand he read the letter sent to them from John Laurens Father which states:

    "Dear Alexander Hamilton and Marquis De Lafayette,
On Tuesday, August 27 My son John was leading an attack on a British soldier that was not given word about the War being over in York Town. Lieutenant Colonel Laurens was riding his horse when he was shot down, by the time the Medical staff could get to him, John had already passed on to the wonder’s gates of Heaven.  
I am very sorry to both of you gentlemen, we all knew how close John was close to you both. We will be collecting his remains in 3 days to bring our dearest “Jackie” home. In honor of John Laurens I wish you both to be here when we lay him to his final resting place.
    ~Henry Laurens."

Lafayette would set down the letter as he would turn to Alexander who was still crying, he would sigh softly as he pulled Alexander close. Lafayette would rub the back of Alexander's head as he started to talk in a soft loving manner. “My beloved Alexander, I know you love Laurens. I know you loved him longer than you have me. It is okay to cry and let it out of my love. I am here for you; I will not leave your side. My love for you will never be in doubt. I will stay here in America for as long as I can to be with you.” Alexander would start to calm down slowly as he looked up to Lafayette, he would hold a smile as he would slowly caress Lafayette cheek softly. Alexander would lean in slowly and lock his lips upon Lafayette lips, Lafayette would turn bright red in the face but didn't pull away, they both would stay like this for a few moments before Alexander pulled away and hid his face in Lafayette's neck. 

“My Lafayette, I have always truly loved you. Yes, I am here crying over Laurens, he was my first love, but he wanted another, and he was our best friend. It hurts so much that he is gone. I never doubt your love and I hope you never doubt mine. You are my whole world, I...”
Lafayette would begin to cry while listening to Alexander's words, holding him close Lafayette would lift Alexander as he started to stand up, he had a bright smile on his face as he looked into Alexander's eyes. Alexander didn’t know this at the time, but he saw something in Lafayette's eyes, a twinkle of some sort. Lafayette would listen to Alexander go on about the love he has for him as he carried him back to his house. As the two headed to the house, Thomas Jefferson would walk by with George Washington, they both noticed Lafayette and Hamilton. Jefferson would laugh as Hamilton was being carried but Washington would smack Jefferson upside the head.
“Ouch! Sir, what was that for?” Jefferson said in a painful tone. Washington would keep his eyes on the boys walking as he would speak in a softly low tone. “John Laurens was killed in action 2 days ago. Alexander is broken, the poor boy has seen so much pain in the past few years, but this really puts it at the line of heartbreak.”

Jefferson would look at Washington horrified by the news he was given, he wasn’t close to John Laurens like he was Lafayette and Madison, but he couldn’t imagine the pain both Lafayette and Hamilton were feeling down from the death of the closest friend they had. Jefferson would build up his pride and walk over to Lafayette and Hamilton before they got into the house, but the closer he got he could hear what Hamilton was saying to Lafayette.
“Mon Amour, why can’t you stay longer than a year with me? I do not wish to be alone. I can ask Washington to let me go with you so I can help you on your mission that you seek to finish...” Alexander would kiss Lafayette's neck, Lafayette would mutter softly from the kisses on his neck, he would smile as he would walk up the stairs to the door, before opening the door he would press Alexander's back against the door as he would talk in a soft manner.

 “Alexander, my dearest Alexander, I do not wish to leave you. We both know Washington needs you here, helping to build the new nation that is OUR home. But I must help my people become free, I have friends in France that are doing all they can, I must go and help them. I am staying here for one year with you Mon Amour; I will not leave you. My heart will forever be yours even when I am away, I plan to only be gone for a year and a half, no longer, then I will be back sailing to you to be in your arms. So please Alexander do understand.” Alexander would turn bright red as he nodded in agreement with Lafayette, Lafayette would give a charming smile before locking his lips with Alexander, Jefferson was hiding behind a bush as he watched the two of them. Jefferson had felt something. From just watching them, I'm not sure what this new feeling was. He wanted it! He felt like a sin was eating away at him, he would move away slowly as Lafayette took Hamilton into the house. Jefferson would sigh softly as he walked back to Washington.
“Jefferson, is there something wrong?” Jefferson would turn, giving a wide smile as tears rolled down his cheeks, he would bite his bottom lip softly before speaking in a serious but meaningful tone. “I am alright Sir; we should hurry to our houses. It is very late and we have a lot of work to do starting tomorrow morning.” Washington would nod softly as they would continue walking to their homes. Jefferson had a plan in his head but he knew it would take years to plan out without failure but by the time it was clear to set sail Jefferson would start to fade away from keeping up to his plan as Hamilton and he would fight back and forth during Cabinet meetings.

|1103 Word Count|

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