a/n: fair warning: there is a lot of italics in this chapter


During the night, Merida felt her sheets move and opened her eyes a little.

"Mr. Higgs."


"What are ye doing?"


"We have this conversation ev'ry time. Ye need to stop coming in my bed when ye turn into a snake."

"And I've told you for three years that the term is naga. You refuse to call it as such and so when you decide to say the name properly, then I might stop."

"Doubt it."

"Your fiery nature attracts the naga to you." He said, trying to get in the bed again.

"Nice try."

"Oh come on..."

"How would Lady Hinkley feel an she saw us?"

"She'd ken it."

"Higgs." Merida said more firm.

"Hey, who am I supposed to get warmth from if not you? Edgar is highly unlikely, Marlow said she would skin me the next time I tried, and Ailers would be very confused. Unless you would like Lady Hinkley to stay the night every night, then your legs are the ticket, my dear."

"How come when I threatened to skin ye, ye just laughed at me?"

"Because that was three years ago and spoiler alert: I kind of blackmailed you. Of course I would never have made you leave due to it, but it's a bit void now."

As they were talking, he had continued to climb into the bed and was now laid up beside her, his snake tail curling under the covers and his eyes closed tightly. Merida made a face but turned over to the bedside table, pulling out a cloth from the drawer to give to her employer. Even though it was annoying, she knew it was inevitable that he would end up in her bed when he turned into the naga and so she kept strips of cloth there to hand to him.


"What is it?"

"Take it and see."

Higgs grabbed the air and finally landed on the cloth. "Oh, it's just a cloth. You're always so prepared."

"Have to be with ye. Been stuck still once and that's all I need."

"This is true." He tied the cloth around his eyes. "How do you think Elizabeth will react to this form? This is one of the physical ones that I can't help."

"Weel, this will be the first one, so I guess ye really cannae tell until she lays eyes on ye."

"I just hope she doesn't run away screaming..."

"Would it really be a bad thing?"

"My, my, Ms. Dunbrough, are you jealous?" Higgs said with a smirk.

"Whatever gave ye that glaikit idea?"

"You are" He sighed. "Although I can't blame you. You have every right to be."

"Mr. Higgs, I am whatever ye want me to go. An ye need me for moral support, I'll be there. An ye need me for anything -even something odd or strange- ye ken I will be there for ye no matter what."

"I know, Merida. I think it's just me... I'm sorry."

"It's fine-" She gasped. "Bugger me! Yer tail is cold when ye start to wrap it around. Warn me next time."

To Love A Myth - Book 2: Mr. Higgs and the Lady 🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now