The mysterious man..

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Amato: Aww... Look how cute my son looks while sleeping... I think I should take a picture of him....

Amato then took a picture of sleeping boboiboy...he then went and laid down near boboiboy on the bed while looking at his son sleeping peacefully...but then boboiboy hugged his dad from the side while sleeping....Amato was a bit surprised but then smile at his son's cuteness and then took boboiboy's cap and kept it on the desk on the side....

Amato: How do you sleep with a cap on?

Amato then Chuckled and went to sleep...

Mechabot then came and took a picture of both father and son sleeping....

Mechabot : Aww... This brings back memories...when boboiboy was 2 years old I took a picture similar to this.....

Mechabot then went to his charging pod......


Amato POV.

I woke up and saw boboiboy sleeping peacefully near me....
Aww... He looks so Cute..... It's been nearly 4 years since I last saw him...
Aba used to call me everyday and makes sure that he was fine..... I sent him to Aba because I had a very important mission at that time... And I was scared to leave him alone at our house.... After all that happened years ago I can't leave him there alone.....But Aba said his amnesia is now getting better......I want him to remember 'them' but not that terrible day.....

End of POV

(Author : I am sorry that I didn't mention both mechabot and ochobot in my recent stories... It's because that I totally forgot about them.... Ochobot and mechbot :: Huh?!. You forgot about us?!
Me: he he sorry... Ochobot: You better involve us... Me: Okay... 👍)
(Again sorry for adding this non sense 😔)

Back to story....

Amato then got ready and went back to his room and saw boboiboy sitting on the bed while holding his head... Amato then quickly went near him and asked what happened..

Amato: Boboiboy, what happened?!

Boboiboy: I-i don't know... Someone is saying something to me...The same voice which said to me before...

Amato: What?!.... What is he saying....?!

Boboiboy: H-he is s-saying tha- Aah!

Before Boboiboy could finish his sentence he suddenly fainted... Before he could fall Amato quickly caught him...

Amato : Boboiboy!!

And then mechabot came...

Mechabot : Huh!?.. What happened to boboiboy?!

Amato: He said someone was saying something to him!.... I think it's 'him'.... And then he fainted...

Mechabot : First, check if boboiboy is okay or not!!..

Amato then laid boboiboy on the bed and mechabot scanned him..

Mechbot: He is fine.. Just fainted because of the pain...

Amato: Why is 'he' doing this to him?!

Mechabot: You know why.....

Amato : Yeah..... Maybe it's my fault...

Mechabot : Amato, you know that it's not your fault....It was an accident...

Amato: But-

Mechabot : Enough of that Amato...
The past is in the past... We can't change the past....

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