Chapter 1

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Hola!, this is my first Korrasami fanfic to pllsss dont get mad or somthin, i'll try my best at writing for yall guys, so... enjoy!

Korra's POV: so I guess I should introduce myself, Hi, I'm Korra smith Grant, umm im from Miami Florida, I live on Miami beach near the water, I guess you can say im wealthy, not rich rich but I guess were sorta rich, um im 19 years old- well I actually JUST turned 19 like a few days ago it was fun, me, my friends and my brother went out and just hung out

My freind kuvira bought me a ring, it was a silver ring with a water symbol on it and a blue strip around it for extra design, and yea its for men, so? um, she also got me a paintball gun and hydro dipped it, it was a blue and cyan blending into each other and the rims and lining were black, my other freind wan bought me a new guitar strap and a New collar for Naga my dog, and lastly kai just got me a Thai milk tea with extra Boba, my favorite, so um yea

Kai is my adopted brother, we adopted him when he was 4 and I was 5, his family left him when he was a baby and he was put into an orphanage, I wanted a sibiling but my parents said they had a problem, mainly saying that they could have babies anymore, my mom went to hospital and found that out so we adopted, oh! and also, im an aries and he's a Sagittarius

My parents are Senna and Tonrok Grant, My dad was a USMC scout Sniper and was promoted to Gunnery Sargent, My mom is a EMT for the hospital

I play the guitar and Kai plays too but he switched to the electric a couple years ago, we like playing together and singing songs, we will do any genre of music EXCEPT classical, we dont really like slow music, sometimes when we do my dog Naga tries to sing along and howl, its funny but we just go with it

I got Naga for my 18 birthday, and I have to say.... that birthday was the day that changed my life forever..... and kai's

"Happy Birthday!!!!" we were sitting at the table and I just blew my candles out "Happy birthday Sweetheart" my mom gave me a kiss on the forehead "Thanks mom" she started to take the candles out and set them to the side, something was wrong, something didn't feel right.. wait! where's Kai?!

Splat!! "HahahhAHHHAhahahhahAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!" my face..... was filled. with cake, "Kai!!, aaghh! get over here!" I wiped my face and started to walk over to him "Nuh UH! Nuh uH!, I know what your going to do, AaAaaahh!" we both started to run around me trying to catch him and him running knowing he fucked up

I was now on one side of the table and he was on the other, he started running and I was so close to catching him, just a centimeter away "Woah! kids calm down!" my dad came back in with presents and set them on the table, he saw the cake then saw my face

"Aaaahh! Dad HELppp!, She's tryin to fuckin kill me!" him and mom laughed "He pushed my face in my cake!" I was still chasing him but the slowed down "well, Korra you did sorta deserved it, you did the same thing to him on his birthday" he set the present out in order cause he so NeAt, does it really matter what order they go in?, and his birthday was 3 and a half months ago, December 20

"ok kids come on and sit down" we both sit down and I clean my face, he's still laughing about it, "Ok!, so present time!!" he hands me a present I start ripping the wrapping to shreds "Gassp!, Finally!, I got a new phone!, seriously im excited, ive been stuck with broken one for 3 months now since Someone!, Broke it!"

I look at kai who is innocently sitting there with a devilish smirk "hhmmm, I wonder who" he sits back and raises his eyebrow "Ok, Kai this time you better not throw your sisters phone out of a window" he opened his mouth to argue but then closed it when dad gave him a look

I opened my next present from kai, it was a beautiful and I mean beautiful Blue guitar, faded on the sides with black, and had my initials on the top of the head, K.S.G, "Thanks Kai!, this isn't a prank, is it?" I gave him a hug with big a smile "no, this isn't a prank" I jump up and down with my hands in the air "EeeeEEEEeEeEEEe!, YAAay, Thanks!" he laughed and rolled his eyes

I finally calmed down "haha, your welcome, and it really wasn't fair when I got a new electric guitar when you were stuck with your shitty old one so I got you this one" he leaned in his chair crossing his arms and smirking "aawwww, you care about me!, how embarrassing" I gave him a good messy nuggy on the head

He tried to fight me off "aaaghggh, STop! your messing my hair up, I just got it cut!" hahaha, it was so funny watching him try to make me stop "okay kids, that's enough, plus that's not all" my dad said stopping the play "and my guitar is not shitty, its perfectly fine, its just old" he raised an eyebrow "okay, no fighting" my dad finished that, quickly,

We settle down and finish opening presents, some of them was from nana katara and some from Kya and the rest were from my parents, "uuummm, what?" I was looking at my presents confused as fuck, I got a small bed, some dog toys, a dog collar, a leash and my last gift I haven't opened, it was a small box "WHAT!!, aaaaaahhhhH!!!!!!!!!!!!" my eyes widen and are filled with excitement and happy tears, I held it in my hands as if it was gold

"NO Way!!!, I got a CAR?!?!, No way I got a car!!" I quickly gave my mom a hug, I looked around and noticed that my dad was gone, HONK!!!, "no way, no way, no way, no way" I keep saying that and I followed mom and kai out to the drive way

"NO WAY!!! AAAGGHAGAHAAAAHHH!!!!, YEEESSSS" my dad was standing there with his hand on the horn of a Blue jeep, I ran up to him and give him a big hug, "thank you thank you thank you thank you thank youu!!!!!!!!!!" he went to my moms side "and I thought she'd be happy" they both laugh and kai's standing there with shock all over his face

"What!, Aaaw man!, I cant wait to be 18, I just turned 17" he said pouting, I went to the drivers side and open the car door, when I did a small Fluffy thing jump on me "gah!- oof" I fell on my butt and the thing started to lick me, "AAahhah, stoopp, your licking my mouth, stop!, wait what!?, what?-" my parents and kai come over and help me up

"Korra, Puppy, puppy, Korra, your new owner!" my mom introduced us, "WHAT!?, GaAAASPPPP, YEEssssssssss!!" the puppy yipped and danced on its hind legs, kai petted the puppy then picked it up, "Are you serious, this is mine!?" they both nodded

"EEeeEE!, yaaay, I got a puppyyyyy!" I could see jealousy mixed with sadness in kai's expression "hey, yah know what?' kai looked up at me "what?" I smirked, he had confusion on his face "okay, so how about this, since I got a puppy, ill let you drive my jeep" his eyes brightened with excitement "gasp!, really!?" I nodded and he got up and did a small little happy dance

"aaghaghaght!!! but!, I have to be in the car with you, and my car my rules, no complaining" he shrugged and still had excitement on his body "okay!, Deal! thanks kora!, you the best" I gave him a hug "what are you going to name her?" my mom asked, I took a little bit to think "hmm" I looked into her eyes and what she looks like "hmm,.... Naga" she jumped up and licked me on the nose and yipped her response "well, she seems to like it, ok, naga it is" ismiled and we went back inside for some cake

After cake me and kai was stting up naga's kennel and play area in the living room, she played with toys and was yapping every where, my parents called us from the dining room and me and kai looked up "hey guys, can you com here really quick?" we stopped what we were doing and went to the dining room "yea?" we sat down infront of them looking concerned "so .... we have something to tell you guys"

okkaaay!, so that was the first, um im going to bring in some other charactors later on, so plese be patient, thanks for reading, comment what you think :)

P.S naga is a Slovak cuvac puppy

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