Part Two ~

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I don't know where I'm going. All I know is that I need to get out. So I pick up my phone, put my earphones in and play my favourite band, Muse, as I walk out of the house and away, away from everything. I don't want to think about anything, so I switch off, just concentrating on the music flowing from my phone, wandering the streets without any sort of aim. It takes me a moment to figure out where I'm heading: Central Pier.

I'm not thinking like that. I'm not thinking like anything right now. So why Blackpool Central Pier seems like a nice place to go is a mystery to me. I just... want to go there.

I walk along the railing, stopping every now and then to look at the water and the city behind me. I loved the way the lights reflected on the black water that was rippling beneath me. I walked along further, until I saw a dark figure silhouetted by the streetlight next to them jumping over the railing and balancing on the edge of the pier.

Oh shit, I thought, I know what they're going to do.

I ran up to them, leaning against the railing next to them. Some of the light falls across their face and my heart stops for a second...

The most beautiful boy I'd ever seen...

Is about to throw himself off Central Pier.

He looks scared, and I can hear him counting down quietly.



"Hey," I say softly. He stops counting, and looks around. "What are y-"

"If you're just here to hurt me and make yourself feel better like everyone else, then don't worry. I'm going. So fucking leave me alone for one second so I can at least die feeling a bit better," he spits, glaring at me.

Feeling a bit hurt, I mumbled, "No. No, I don't want to do that. I was just wondering what the hell were you doing..."

"What, it isn't obvious enough for you? What do you want me to do, post it on Facebook? YouTube? Do I have to tell the whole fucking world that I want to jump off Central Pier?"

"Well, since I don't actually know who you are, posting it on Facebook and YouTube is completely useless to me. And it's me who wants to know so..."

I could see him smiling slightly. It wasn't even a smile. It was more the ghost of what a smile might look like, if he was ever happy enough to smile. Still, slightly-smiling-suicidal-person was much better than not-smiling-suicidal-person.

It didn't last long. "Yeah well, you know now. So what? Another person to call me emo or a fucking fag. No one gives a shit any more. So just, fuck off or something."

"Well, maybe I do. How would you know?"

"You don't know me. You don't know how fucking messed up everything is. You don't know how fucking messed up I am. Anyway, it's true. No one cares."

"I do. I mean, I like you. You have a good taste in music," I glance down at his Green Day hoodie. He smiles that ghost-of-a-smile again.

"Anyway, is it just me or does this totally remind you of Titanic?"

He laughs a ghost-of-a-laugh that matches his ghost-of-a-smile. "Kinda, I guess..."

"So, I feel required to ask the important question... do you actually like Green Day or are you just wearing it because it looks nice?"

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