
18 1 1

I trudged down the halls , filled with chatter of someone's party or what some girl did on the weekend , everyone's words had a bitter taste , nothing to adorn on. I was used to the insolitary here , not to say I enjoyed it, but I was comfortable.Although I was detatched from the other students , I was contempt sitting alone.

I slid in the door way greeted by a cool breeze of the air conditioning. My seat was typically at the back , enough space for me to rest my head against the white walls boxing us. I sat down and started the search for equipment in my worn out backpack , as I sat backup I felt my book and my pens flying out of my hands. I looked up through curtains of my dark hair , scowling at the boy who was standing next to my seat , surrounded by pens ,  beetroot red. I let my eyes search him , he was tall and rather tanned considering (by his accent) he was brittish , he had brown eyes and thick brown hair . His school shirt hung loose off his shoulders and his tie was crooked . He looked abit of a mess but so did everyone after coming back from school holidays . He must be new , I haven't seen him around , I would of noticed him in the halls or the canteen if he wasn't .

"Oh geez , sorry , my backpack just kinda , yeah , uh sorry " his words stumbled off his tongue , I let my muscles rest and nodded with a small smile.
"Can I sit here?"He said in a rush and gestured to the herd of sudent pushing their way through the door way .
"Well , can you? " I inquired with a blank expression. He smirked letting his dimples appear
"I believe so , I'm Dan " he slumped into the chair , which made an awful screeching sound , and blinked at me .
" Adallia " I replied ,he nodded softly and let his dark eyes leer at my watch. He leaned closer , his fingers dancing over my skin as he held my wrist out to examine the watch. Oh boy...

"0? " Dan marvelled over the clock face , eyes reading the number over and over .
"uh , yeah . I was born with 0 seconds .."
"oh like Tilly from yorkshire ?" I shook my head .
"no , I mean sorta . She was only born with 0 seconds for her soul mate , I'm , I was born with 0 til both . My death and-"

"you're shitting me !" he half chuckled . The laugh evidence he thought this was a prank . He stared at me with one brow raised .
"n-no ..." I stammered like a baby deer taking its first steps . Dan pulled away . His eyes now on his hands.

" that's , uh a shame , sorry" he picked up his rucksack and stood up. He didn't dare look at me as he turned and walked to the spare seat two rows next to me. I felt my lungs freeze and my mouth drop . Then rude thoughts swirle in my head and threatened to leave my tongue , what an asshole.

As english class went on I noticed the margin of my book was filling up with scribbles and doodles . Which was unusual as I did enjoy english class but the encounter I had with Dan had taken over my mind . What an asshole , what a horrible , disgusting , self-centred prick I mean ; really? , my countdown had repelled him to move away ? Does he not know that I am incapable of controlling it ,does he not know I am not effected mentally or physicaly by it ? well actually , sure it's pretty depressing at time but it doesn't mean I am incapable of having frends .

"Hey , why arn't you eating Ada? " my brother said as I pushed the chips away into the pool of ketchup I had on my plate .
"i dunno. I feel... sad" Tony gulped his drink with a sour face .
"Adallia , it's okay your just , confused . But it's good you know what it is , you know your doc-"

"Tony I'm not stupid , this may suprise you but I have feelings. I know how it feels to be sad , cause I'm sad right now . Don't start on that medical bull crap either , I know how I'm feeling , not you or them. Maybe if you listened to me you would understand that I'm beyond sad , I'm , I'm so upset I want to cry !" I screamed at my pissed off brother.

"Adallia , just go to bed . " He mumbled , barely audible . I swallowed the lump of trapped whimpers in my throat and marched to my room. This is stupid , everything is stupid . I'm okay , I am not going to cry , that's pathetic. I sat down on my bed , my hands scrunching the white sheets into balls in my hands . I've been in such a rotten mood since that bloody boy came , I had only spent an hour in the same room as him but he sure did bring me bad luck . He was such a loser , like in the canteen he sat with his group of friends and he ....

He isn't a loser , he didn't do anything . I groaned to myself and layed back . Dammit , he was cool, he made all his new friends laugh , he played football really well , he was noticed and appreciated around the school , he made the girls go nuts . He was not a loser .

But my god would it be easier to hate him if he were.

Tony was gone when I woke up in the morning , I assumed he was with Erin or at work . He worked as a barista in the coffee shop in town . I rolled out of the covers and ruffled my hair to try pull any tangles before grabbing the clean uniform hanging on my chair which I guessed Tony had placed . It only occured to me whilst I was pulling my skirt up that I had to spend another day wit that prick , well he wasnt' a prick but calling him that made me feel a tiny bit better abot the situation . I sighed and sat down on the whitechair and tied my hair back . Like most teenage girls I enjoyed the magic of makeup , it felt almost theraputic and it did boost my confidence whenever I applied it . But like most teenage girls , I was not gifted with the skill of makeup . It resulted in me minimalising what I wore . Which minimalised my confidence . I debated i it was wortht the effort when my phone started buzzing .


Hey it's Dan , up for an adventure? ;)

Dan? why was Dan texing me? why did Dan have my number? how did he get my number? what did he me-


Kind of need to know now love



Don't call me that and what do you mean"adventure"? some people have school

I saved his numberwaiting for his reply


I mean an adventure are you coming or not?

to Dan :

how did you even get my number ?


that's a secret love , hurry up I'm waiting outside btw wear something comfy

waiting outside? , I went to my window peeking out my curtains . There he was he leaning against the lampost in a grey shirt , black jeans and a jacket grinning up at me.

" You're bra is cute" he smirked , I looked at myself . Shit, I drew back the curtains and covered my chest , shit , shit he just , I just

" hurry up the bus is in 10 love" Adallia do not go with Dan , Adallia go to school , he's bad news, my mind scowlled as I pulled up my knee socks. I scrambled for a shirt as a pushed my feet ito my black boots .

what the fuck am I doing?

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