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"Welcome to 10 o clock news , with me Sam Kestwhile. Tonight we meet the mother of Adallia Lila Perry, otherwise known as 0 girl. At 11:37 pm on the 16th of July , here at San Diego hospital , a little girl was born. But soon it was realised something was wrong as her papers came back. They stated little Adallia had 0 seconds to live , 0 seconds to find her soul mate. But , the little girl was breathing , crying ... Adallia was alive. MS. Perry , what we're your first thoughts when you were told she had 0 seconds to live?"

"I-I couldn't think at all Sam. I felt so,so devastated by the whole thing I couldn't even react."

"And what about when Adallia was alive?"

"That , that it was a sick joke. It was all a little too much for me ..."

"Mhm I understand you also have a son?"

"Yes , Tony . "

"And how did Tony react?"

"He was over the moon Sam. I'd explained that something was wrong , he simply said he didn't care, he still loved her."

"Oh how sweet! Well thank you for talking with us , we hope for all the best for you. This was Sam kestwhile for the 10 o clock news , back to you Josh."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ADALLIA , HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!" I gave an awkward smile , thanking my family and drew in a deep breath, then out again. The flames danced their way around my breath and continued to burn bright . I frowned at them and tried again , finally the amber whipping up into grey smoke. I was applauded and beckoned over to the small pile of colourfully wrapped presents . I sat down on our carpet , careful not to accidentally sit on anyone's feet and took the first box in my hands. I wasted no time ripping away the purple striped paper .

I came to my last present , a small box, wrapped in pink glittery paper with a small bow resting ontop. I took my time to unravel my gift without rippling the paper , setting the UN-torn paper next to me . I examined the small black velvet box in my hand , searching for clues to as what was waiting inside. The room had fell silent when I lifted to lid slowly , all of our eyes fixing on the silver watch. I squealed with fondness . It was my life watch !

My family coughed and mumbled around me nervously . I couldn't comprehend why , receiving your life watch was a big deal. It was almost an event itself.
"Frank , could I speak with you in the kitchen ?" I turned to mom behind me , her face sour. My uncle dropped his smirk , winked at me , and left the room with my mother. I listened carefully .

" What the hell do you think your doing ?! You know she cant-"
"Oh to hell with that bullcrap! Adallia should be treated like a normal girl! It's you who's in the wrong"
"Frank , you have no bloody right to say that !none ! Adallia is not normal!"
"So your gonna deprive her of her life ?"

That silence crashed upon us again . This time lingering longer than before . I looked Tony , perplexing my mother's venom like words. Tony acknowledged my confussion and scooted closer to my shaking body , fear riding through my blood stream on black horses. He closed the lid of my velvet box and placed it on the coffee table . Mom and uncle Frank continued to roar profanities and ideas until their voices were raw with anger. The aftermath filled with my tears and tony's reassuring words.

later that night , when stars were only just peppering the dark sky , mom crept into my room with sorrowful eyes.
"Ada baby , I'm so sorry for earlier. Look , I have to tell you something very important " I nodded reluctantly as she sat down on the edge of my bed , playing with the frills of my blanket.
"your not - I don't - Ada , you know why you get a life watch right ?"
" yes mama , so you know when your gonna find love and die..." I whispered , afraid I was wrong.
" yes , well baby your- your not gonna need a watch"
"why mama?"
"your-your too young to understand Adallia "

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