Partners in crime

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As I think of this chapters title, it keeps reminding me of Harley Quinn & The Joker obviously. Valdemar represent Joker and the reader represent Harley. They fall inlove at each. And Valdemar influenced Y/N to become a badperson. Being hallucinated in love. Would they get themself Capture or Executed find out on this chapter. (◠ᴥ◕ʋ)

---I will keep it as a Gender Neutral

(This happens around the plague era 3 years ago)

Your PoV 
Valdemar and I become a wanted criminal, and being hunt down by the laws of Vesuvia as both of us just stop the fucking plague. It wasn't a big deal anyway, we just ended up killing the Count as we both discovered that he was the cause of all this mess that was happening in the city. We should've been the Heroes and not a fucking villains. But ohh well it already happened. Such ungrateful citizens, who wants the both of us be killed not knowing we just saved their stupid ass.
I sigh it was almost a month since it all happened, I was at the Quaestors estate. Located at the deepest part of the forbidden forest. I smile looking down at my left hand tracing the golden swirls that looks like a golden vines that was implanted on my wrist. The Quaestor and I made a bond just in case something happens when one of us are not around only the two of us can see it, They also have it in their right wrist. The Quaestor and I are couples for 3 months and a half now, even though the plague was now gone for good. I didn't mind them killing people at their table for some reason as they tried to kill us first, by trespassing earning for them to get dissected and never get back alive. Though we let my Master Asra visit us sometimes as he knows were lovers and truly accepted it, giving us information at what the hell was happening in the city. I was thankful for his assisstant knowing he wouldn't betray us. The Quaestor taught me well, everything about dark magic totally opposite at what my Master teach me. It was actually quite helful as well, as I always put on an invisible barrier without reducing my mana (energy) at night, but I still need a bit more masteries about the spell cause it needs alot of focus. I know my lovers secrets they're demons aligned with the Arcana Death and seems to be making some deals with the Devil. I shrugged not really care at what they do as long as there mine. I stand closing my books and went to where my lover is, obviously at their workplace (lab). As I reach the laboratory. Screams can be heard, knowing there dissecting someone. I open the door revealing  two person laying at the Vivisection tables they both look at my direction. My lover also look up smiling uwu at me with fondness. I walk towards them engulping them into a big hug. Not minding the blood that ruins my white clothing. The two people stop screaming and just look at me with  pleading eyes, probably thinking that I can help them, I just chuckle giving them a sadistic look. Their eyes grew wide knowing that I won't help them.

Valdemar PoV

I smile enjoying these two folks scream in pain as my scalpels dug deeper into their skins at the sametime. Their screams can be heard through the other side of the estate. It's like a rythm in my ears, noticing they suddenly stop screaming looking down at them and followed their gaze as it lands on my lover. I smile at them, they returned it before walking closer towards me and engulping me into huge hug. Sighing in satisfaction 'Ohh can't help but loving this affection' kissing there foreheads before we broke apart. They seems to not mind the bloods that ruins there white outfit. I give them a gentle pat on the head. Hearing them chuckle as I look at them giving the two folks a sadistic look, a smirk can be seen forming in my lips. As the two unfortunate souls knows that no one can be able to help them. Y/N help me with dissection every now and then. Can't help but realize that something change into them. Probably due to my influence at them, they seem to becoming a badperson (sadist) just like me. After the dissection they seems a little too exhausted it was already late at night. They let me carry them back to our room taking there dress off before dressing them to something much more comfortable before tucking them in bed. They smile immediately fall asleep as I kissed there forehead and close the door before teleporting to the Devils realm, asking him what the hell he wants. After the meeting with the Devil I then went back to my estate so I can look at my sleeping beauty. I smile as I open the door, before frowning as something seems not right. I went closer pulling the blanket down. They're not here. I notice a certain paper that was laying at the table "WE HAVE THEM" it said my blood was boiling in rage as I throw the sheet.

Third person PoV

Y/N, was being kidnapped by a group of assassins that the Countess hired along with the Consul not so long after the Quaestor left not knowing some assasins were hiding somewhere near the forest this assasins were highly trained and can somehow probably use magic. Y/N was still unconscious, they are somehow brought to a certain jail at the Palace dungeons. Just near were the Doctors/Apprentice works during the Plague. But not enough that the Quaestor can find them or sense them.


Your PoV

I open my eyes focusing my sight as I look at my surroundings, sure enough am not in my lovers bed. But rather back at the dungeon!, my wrists were being handcup with a long double chain, connected to my neck. "Good your awake" one of the guards said sneering at me while looking through the small window. I look at them, while keeping my face emotionless. I should be panicking by now but seem to be a bit calm. I don't even know if they capture Valdemar as well 'Ohh am going to kill them if something happens to my lover'. I said in my head, already planning on how to get my ass out of here *I hope Valdemar was okay* saying to myself. Not so long footsteps can be heard descending down here until the door of my jail open. I look up only to be greeted by the Countess and her trusty rightman Consul Valerius looking down at me with disgust. "The Quaestor's witch,..such a pity you belong to them" he said before drinking his glass of wine making me frown confused "Perhaps, not anymore Consul, you can have them all to yourself,.. that is if you can manage to execute the Quaestor" The Countess said making me frown even more, a little relief knowing that Valdemar hasn't get captured yet. I smirk devilishly with a look of sadistic before repeating the second paragraph that the Countess just said. "That is if you can manage to capture the Quaestor" I said before chuckling darkly. "Well see about that" the Consul said gripping the glass tightly before following the Countess to exit, the guards then lock the rustic metallic door. I sense some magic in here light magic, they put a barrier on my so called cage. Smiling to myself as I know this spell, and how to undo the barrier without letting the one who put it notice it. I sighed satisfied. Before unleashing a spell to make the guards sleep. Then I gently turn the chains into dust by just tapping it with my finger. 'This is going to be fun" I said sadisticly.

Valdemar PoV

I can sense them now, relief suddenly replaced my worriedness, as I float down being greeted with plenty of soldiers. I smirk as the Countess frown at me, while the Consul look at me with disgust. I just made a dramatic entrance outside the Palace it was already dawn before I managed to sense Y/N's aura. "Well, well, well,.. if it isn't the Murderer" the Countess said. "That's rude of you Countess, A guest like myself shouldn't be treated that way" I said pressing my finger together as usual before smiling showing all my sharp teeth. "Get them" she said ordering the soldiers demandingly. I snap my fingers summoning my deathly scythe. The Guards look at my weapon, hesitant can be seen in their eyes. I smile before activating it then swing it infront of me, turning the soldiers into ashes. There eyes grew wide I can feel there horror "Stop watching and attack them" the Consul said still shock at what just happened. Before summoning the assasins out of thin air. He smirk the assasin starts circling me waiting for the opportunity to attack. I returned the smirk as Y/N suddenly appear besides me making the assasin back up a little. "Pity it is Consul" they said mockingly before intertwining are hands. Muttering some sort of incantation as black flames circling us both. As the assasins try to attack us they all burn to death I captured the remaining soldiers for laters experiment with Blackhole Nebula (dark magic). Both of us float up leaving the two dumbfounded. I swing my weapon to open up a portal.

Narrator PoV

As both of them returned they then  kiss each others lip lovingly telling each other if they're okay. "I promise to you Y/N, I won't let it happened again". the Quaestor said before they carry Y/N back to their shared room and continue what they are doing.

  ( 😏 you know what I mean, kinky )

---Afternoon they then start to do some science and experiments on the captured soul. Doing a little Incisions and autopsy.

------Word Counts 1701

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