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The bridge between my greatest wish and my worst nightmare surfaced--the one thing that could change everything. I sprinted to the middle of the bridge, but I could not reach them on the other side. I pushed against the invisible force, but I remained in the same position. Stuck in the middle of a decision with no light either way, I fell to the wooden planks. With right choice, still submerged in a dark sea of possibilities, drops of water made their way down my cheeks.

"I-I want to cross. Please, let me cross," I sobbed.

She stepped forward and made her way to the center of the bridge. He followed her and placed a tender hand on her shoulder. I stretched out my hand, but our hands never brushed. She had a blank expression, but the genuine sparkle in her eyes kept her face alive. He wore a look of understanding, but his shoulders were pulled up in a tense posture.

"Come if you choose, but after you listen to what I have to say," she whispered softly with a subtle force.

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