☆chapter one☆{edited}

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Your P.O.V
I remember clearly how I got here 8 years ago, losing my family, get washed up by the shore, pain everywhere, yeah. It's great. I lived in the ocean with my family, doing all sea monster things y'know? I always wished every night that one day I can go to the surface, but my mom being her, she won't let her precious little girl up on the surface, she said that 'land monsters will capture you and eat you' i didn't believe that, I always thought that humans- what I learn from my dad, is nice and would accept us like normal people, but, my 4-Year-old dumb self went up to the surface while there's a boat, I somehow escaped the nets before they noticed.

It's surprising, yes, but at the time it was raining hard with thunders, I tried to swim back but being too close to the surface makes it hard to swim since there are huge waves. I didn't get back, but I did get washed up on an island, a nice human let me in his house, he has a child too, her name is Giulia, we both practically became sisters, we do everything together, well except for taking a bath, I learn that whenever I get wet, I turn into my sea monster form, she told me how to speak Italian, I learn a lot from her, as we age up, we stick together like glue, she enters the portorosso cup race, she insisted that I come along, but I refused, I said that I'd rather watch and cheer her on, she lost. she was throwing up and couldn't stop.

I and Giulia were delivering fish, me sitting in the back, handing fish to people while Giulia pulls me and the fish using her bike, before we could go home Ercoles and his little friends are messing with two kids, from the looks of it they're new here, Ercoles started to drag the short one near the fountain before the water touched him, Giulia separate them by Riding her bike between them, "hey! Ercole!" Giulia yelled, "oh look who it is, spiulia and (miranda)(misspelled name), that's how you're training for the race?" I hop off of the back and take one fish and point it at Ercoles face "si Certo! your reign of terror-" "will come to an end" Giulia I and disgusting Ercoles said, "you mean like a year ago? When you quit in the middle of the race?" I scrunch up my nose, "because you couldn't stop throwing up?" he made a puking sound, and laughed, "she didn't quit, they made her stop" I spat out.

"I think that's even worse, now, go away, I'm playing with my new friends" I look around to see the boy with the green eyes glaring at Ercoles and the other have a worried look "they're coming with us," Giulia said as she hops on the bike, "hop on" the boys do what they're told, I look back at ercoles and gave him a death glare "kei!" I groan and sit right behind her, she began paddling away, "we could use some extra weight" before we get too far I blew a raspberry at Ercole.
(thanks fivehargreeveswife32 )

I look toward the two boys as Giulia paddles away from Ercoles, i furrowed my eyebrows "you okay ragazzi?" i ask the both of them, and i received a nod from them, i sigh.

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I know I didn't post as soon as possible but I couldn't remember what happened

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