It's not What You Link

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Chapter 11

The day started out like any normal day. I was heading over to the Thunderman's house and heard yelling from Billy and Nora as they played games. Hank and Barb were doing their own things and when I walked in, Phoebe was waiting for Link.

"Hey girl, waiting for someone?" I smirked.

Phoebe smirked back at me. "Yeah, Link. I texted him that I wanted Jelly Jams from Metroberg. I hope he brings me some."

I laughed. "Having jams would be amazing right now. I'm hungry. Mom and Dad left and forgot to get anything for breakfast yesterday when we ran out."

"We've got stuff in the fridge," Phoebe motioned to the shiny steel box that keeps their food cold. I smiled and opened it up to see what yummy snacks Hank had left lying around. I felt arms slip around my waist as I was making toast.

"Good morning, gorgeous."

"Well it certainly is a good morning now." I said and turned around to hug him.

While that was happening, Phoebe let Link into the house. Apparently, he did bring her Jelly Jams. And then Max decided to make a scene.

"Hey Link," I said and walked over and ruffled his hair before jumping over the couch and sitting next to Phoebe.

"And boring and dull and toothy." Max jumped in after Phoebe's statement on how generous Link was. I rolled my eyes and smirked at my boyfriend.

"Oh that's right. Max lives here too." Link said and I reached over Phoebe to smack his arm. "Hey!" Link exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and sat back.

"Oh it's okay, I can ask him politely to leave." Phoebe stated and turned to her brother, "You're the worst. Get out." She completely deadpanned it. It was great.

"Gladly, and I'm taking these with me." Max said and took the Jelly Jams box with him into the kitchen. Link started to tug-a-war with the box and ended up losing.

"You idiot," I muttered and wiped the frosting off his face with my finger before licking it. "Mm, those are good." I linked arms with Max and we headed outside for our date.


We came back from eating out for lunch and then took an afternoon nap in his lair. When he woke up, his face was painted with pig butts but I didn't say a word to him about it.

We went upstairs and Phoebe was looking upset about something when Max went to grab an apple. After he came back, she sure seemed perky.

A few minutes later, Max got a text about something about Big Foot and he ran outside. Before I knew it, Phoebe came in, smiling to herself.

"What'd you do?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I just got Max and Link to actually want to hang out with each other." I eyes widened at this.

"No way. That's awesome Pheebs! Good job!"

She laughed. "All in a day's work."


Around dinner, I went back home but I was still texting Max. Mom was yelling at me for using my phone at the table but I didn't care.

[You're still coming to the park, right?]
Max texted me and I rolled my eyes and texted him back.
[Yes I'm coming. I've told you this a million times]

He didn't reply after that and I guessed that he forgot his phone again when he left. I headed upstairs to change into my outfit that Max got me. If this was the way he wanted to express his dark side, then so be it.


I headed to the park in the ridiculous outfit he bought me, the corset hugging my stomach, the skirt being too many layers and too poofy for my tastes, but the cape and shoulder pads were a great touch.

I met up with him in the usual place. Link was there, and the rest of Max's pretend army. I walked up behind and whispered "Boo" in Max's ear. I swear, he jumped ten feet into the air. Link was laughing his head off but stopped when Max gave him a glare.

"Macyyyyy," Max whined, turning to me, "don't scare me like that."

I laughed, "Maxy, I can't help it. You're too cute when you're scared."

"I am not scared," Max pulled on the hem of his shirt to fix it.

"Dude, you just said you were scared-" Link was cut off with another glare from Max.

I kissed Max's cheek, "You know I didn't mean it, baby. I'm only teasing you."

Max smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist. "I know. I just wanted you to submit. Anyways, to the dark side!!!" Max yelled and tightened his grip around my waist, almost possessively.

Max gave his little spiel. Everybody got excited. Well, that is until Phoebe hopped out of the bushes and basically became a fun killer.

"Not on my watch you won't!" she said and then beat everybody up.

"Phoebe, what're you doing here?" Link asked as Max went over to check on everyone.

"Link I came to stop you from turning evil. You're super cute and you bring me jelly jams." Phoebe said.

I rolled my eyes. She still didn't understand it. There was a bunch of explaining that went on and then Max stabbed both Link and Phoebe.

"Oh, don't worry, I'll get your dad's ring back after his next nap," Phoebe told Link, watching the action.

"Oh, don't worry. It's actually my little sister's and it's made out of candy." Link told her.

I laughed slightly in the midst of my fight and gave Phoebe a thumbs up. She laughed and the two of them left. Max and I continued to LARP with the dorks in the park, which was nice because I got to beat a whole bunch of kids up for no reason and not get in trouble for it.

"Well that was fun," I said happily, smiling at our victory.

"It was even better with you fighting on our side," Max said and kissed my cheek. I smiled at him before they called the game and we all went home.

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