Chapter 1: Coming Out

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Max's POV-

"Today is the day, I have to tell him", I said to myself while pacing around my room. "I won't go through with this!" If you are wondering why I'm pacing and talking to myself, its because on my 18th birthday, which is in a little over a month, my father is going to make me marry a woman from a different Mage Clan. Their First Enchanter's daughter no less. This was to hopefully bring an alliance between both clans and to provide powerful heirs to both clans. But there were a few small problems with that. 1- I'm gay. 2- I've never met the woman. I only knew her name, Clara. 3- My father was a homophobe, so either he will force me to go through with the arranged marriage, shun me from the clan, or banish me.

I have hope though. I hope that he will try to at least understand, just for his son. If nothing else, I'll just run away, IF he doesn't banish me first. I guess I have to tell him today, better late than never.

"I'll tell him during dinner", I told myself. "I'll be straightforward and blunt. How hard could this be?" Boy would I ever eat those words.

Time Skip: Dinner

"Alright now is my chance!", I thought to myself. "I hope he takes it well, for me." I took a deep breath. Its now or never.

"Dad", I said, in a serious tone.

"Yes Max?" he replied, looking up from his plate.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to go through with the arranged marriage."

He blinked a few times from shock. He cleared his throat.

"And why is that?" he asked, his voice strained.

I took another deep breath.

"I-im g-gay", I stuttered. Anger, disgust, shock, and resentment flashed all over his face. He was getting so angry that small sparks of lightning were shooting from his hands.

"WHAT!" he yelled, sending small things across the room. I had to stop a vase from hitting me in the head by freezing it in place. Damn magic, being tied to our emotions.

His anger only grew, as more objects began to fly around the room. From food, to forks and knives, it was out of control. I quickly used a time spell, stopping everything that was flying around in place, before someone wither got hurt or killed. I let out a sigh of relief.

My dad on the other hand, was standing, both palms of his hands on the table. He was looking down at the table, as if he was refusing to look at me.

"Dad, are you all-" I started to ask, only to have him silence me by raising his hand. After a few seconds of very awkward silence, he raised his head. His eyes were burning with rage. After another few seconds of more awkward silence, he finally spoke, but only two words.

"20 minutes"

AN: So that was chapter 1. Please comment your thoughts!

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