you as an idol pt.2 | maknae line

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You let your whole body drop to the wooden floor of the practice room, that you and your dancers have been using for almost a year now. Your first thought was to request a big change in terms of floors at the company, otherwise all of the people working here would have to hide all of the bruises on their knees.

You were so lost in your own little world that you didn't even notice when someone came into the room.


One minute you were staring at the ceiling then all of a sudden your boyfriend's face appeared. With a hat on and a bag hanging on his shoulder he looked like he just finished work.

Intak smiled at you then grabbed your hand and helped you stand up, pulling you close to him immediately.

"Long time, no kiss."you pecked his lips with a wide smile.

When was the last time you could do something with him? You didn't even remember. You were so busy with your upcoming single and Intak was in the middle of some promotions with his group, that's why being in the same place for more than fifteen minutes felt just like a dream.

"How is practice going?"he dropped his bag and hat on the floor and led you to the small couch in the corner, making you sit on his lap.

He hugged you from behind while you turned your body slightly into his direction to wrap your arms around his neck. You finally felt safe after God knows how much time. His affection always have been the most precious thing for you ever since you started dating and you felt the most protected in his embrace.

Being a soloist had its advantages but you had to admit that sometimes you were a little bit jealous of all the groups at your company being best friends with his members, being like a family. You had your team, and some of your dancers turned into your closest friends but you still were alone when you couldn't meet up with them for some reason. You had to walk on the streets without someone holding your hand when Intak couldn't be there either.

"It's going...fine."you nodded. "Actually, I suck."you laughed off the past few hours of practice as if you didn't suffer with all those moves.

"No. You know you don't."he pecked the tip of your nose.

You sat there for minutes without saying anything, yet you still understood each other. Both of you needed each other's comfort and love at that time and no one could blame you for that.

"The boys are coming soon. We'll have practice too, but we have a little bit of time left..."he whispered into your ears, making you lean closer to him immediately.

Oh, how much you missed the feeling of his skin caressing yours, as he left small kisses in the corner of your lips and his hand travelled from your lower back to your nape. You didn't even know how you could live without this for so long.

You buried your fingers into his hair and let him draw heart patterns on your waist.

Your romantic couple-moment was ruined by his members. As soon as they saw the two of you on the couch they freaked out. Jiung screamed and mumbled an apology while Theo walked in, unbothered.

"Eew, not in front of the kids!"you saw Keeho covering both Soul's and Jongseob's eyes with his hands.

"See you later, I guess."you let out a light laugh, burying your face into your boyfriend's neck. You couldn't believe you didn't even get five minutes alone with him.

"I enjoyed every moment of it."Intak pecked your forehead and let you go. "We'll finish this!"

"Alright lovebirds, get a goddamn room."Theo rolled his eyes.

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