3: Nickname

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Third Person POV

Morning sunlight passed through the opening of the curtains of Jungkook's windows. It directly fell on Jungkook's eyes making him groan and pull blanket on his face.

But then he heard a giggle and immediately pulled down the blanket completely forgetting the fact that Taehyung was there with him. He opened his eyes, just to find a Taehyung dangerously close near his face.

" Ahhhhhh!" He shouted when he saw someone unknown in his room.

The shout was followed by a laugh. He looked at the person and remembered about Taehyung. He glared at him who just smiled back innocently.

" Good mornin' Kookie~" Taehyung chirped but Jungkook froze hearing a nickname after a long time.

" G-Good morning..." He replied back. He stayed in his bed for a while and then started walking towards his bathroom when Taehyung spoke.

" We have an hour before your university starts." Taehyung said. Jungkook turned around and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

" And how did you know that? As far as I remember, I did not tell you about it." Jungkook asked crossing his arms.

" I checked it on your table. I checked at what time the university lecture starts. And don't worry, I will analyze your schedule as I stay with you and arrange the data so that I can give you reminders." He said.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a dumbfounded expression.

" I-I don't need a s-schedule..." Jungkook said looking away from Taehyung's eyes and it was a total lie. Schedule was one of the reasons he needed his mobile back. All his remaining homework, or any work which he always used to forget was in that mobile. It gave him a little bit of relief that he had something that can have his schedule oriented.

" Yesterday your dad said that you are disoriented. Then I saw this timetable near your PC." Taehyung said while pointing towards his timetable.

Jungkook sighed when he understood that he could not lie anymore.

" I'll tell you all of my schedules and remaining works myself." Jungkook said and his face lit up.

" Yay! My first help to you!" He cheered.

" Don't you wanna change back to human again? Then why are you getting so worked up on this?" Jungkook asked him while taking out his tight jeans and hoodie for the day.

He turned around to see Taehyung pout a little but then smile.

" Yeah I want to change back to my real form, but till I am here as your mobile, let me help you! We should enjoy every smallest thing in life if we want to enjoy life!" The blonde haired boy said to ravenette.

Jungkook listened carefully at Taehyung's word but the last line hit him deep.

' We should enjoy every smallest thing in life if we want to enjoy life!'

Jungkook never got to enjoy the smallest thing in his life. He used to have fun with his friends, but the things at those time were not good for him. But he could say that Lisa was something good that happened in his shitty life.

For the first time he got attention, alot of it actually. He was given a lot of kisses and love. Atleast that's what he thought.

If going to shopping a lot, your girlfriend showing you off to her friends, making out a lot was the meaning of getting attention, then Jungkook surely was getting a lot of attention.

" Lemme complete my morning routine." He said and started walking to the bathroom.

He completed his morning routine and went downstairs to have his breakfast which he usually skipped because he was late, but he is early today so why not!?

" Is mom and dad not there?" He asked one of the maids.

" No Young Master." The maid replied as she placed the food in front of Jungkook.

" Enjoy your breakfast, Young Master." She bowed and left the dining table and Jungkook was left there all alone to eat his breakfast.

He sighed and opened his mobile, just to see Taehyung pop out besides him. He flinched at that and then placed his hand on his chest.

" You scared me!" He shouted at Taehyung who smiled sheepishly.

" Sowwy! Well what do you want?" He asked.

" I just wanted to download some apps which weren't in this mobile." Jungkook replied and was about to open play store when Taehyung spoke again.

" You don't have to. Just tell me the names and I will download them all. Your mobile data will be managed by me. Apps which are unused will be uninstalled, space clearing, speed boosting, security checking, app managing.....all will be done by me." Taehyung said and Jungkook was amazed.

He has to accept the fact that this technology is very unique and also so useful.

" Okay then, Download Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Discord...umm....Among us, League of Legends, Pubg......Zepeto, Netflix.....oh and Mcdelivery." Jungkook said.

Taehyung just nodded as if it was nothing.

" And yeah.....if I want any more apps then I would tell you." Jungkook said.

Both of them were in their own world, completely oblivious to the dumbfounded look the maids were giving to Jungkook who was talking to air.

' Did Young Master go mad? Did loneliness make him that way?' Is the maids thought.


Well I've heard that Among us and Pubg are some of the games which guys like to play so I added them lol.



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