Chapter 17: News

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A/N: This book is almost complete! A couple more chapters and then it's on to the next one. After this book is done, I will put in a little bit from the next one. You might recognize some of the characters, they're all people I followed on Tiktok when I had it. I don't anymore, so characters are very limited. But, yeah, announcement over, into the chapter.

Triggers: Guns, FBI, most things that you would get out of a Criminal Minds Unsub/Team stand-off.

It had been a week since Glen moved in. Most people in the house got along with him just fine. All except one. Jeff did not like Glen. He doesn't like kids, he doesn't like people, he doesn't like Glen. Glen was nothing but nice to him, but Jeff was curt. He would sigh, get aggressive, and storm off after two minutes at most. But, Glen was persistent. He never gave up on winning Jeff over.

But today, Glen didn't try. Glen didn't get out of bed until noon. He didn't eat. He didn't drink anything. All he did was come down at noon, go to the bathroom with a tired and sad look on his face, and go back to bed.

"Jeff, what did you do to Glen?" You sighed, sitting across from Jeff on the couch.

"I didn't do anything to the kid," Jeff replied, not glancing up from his phone.

"Well, obviously you did something! He's been in his room all day and hasn't eaten anything! I have no clue what you did but you did something that upset him! Get in his room and apologize!" You cried, angry that Jeff clearly didn't care.

"I didn't do anything, I told you that!" Jeff yelled back.

You scoffed and stomped into the kitchen. If Jeff wouldn't fix the issue he caused, you'd clean up after him. You'd fix it. You'd pick up his trash and throw it all away for him.

You pulled out a can of Glen's favorite soup, Mulligatawny. It's one of Britain's most popular soups, and Glen embraced that to the fullest. You poured it into a bowl and put it in the microwave.

Once the soup was done, you grabbed a spoon and a glass of water. Slowly, as to not spill either of the items, you carried them upstairs and to the attic, where Glen resided.

You knocked on Glens' door. "Glen? Can I come in?"

There was no reply from Glen.

Slowly, you opened the door and saw Glen laying in bed, covered in all the blankets.

"Hey, Glen? You up? I brought up some soup," You said gently, setting the glass and bowl down on the bedside table.

Glen decided to show some signs of life and turned over to get the soup.

"You alright?" You asked, sitting down on the corner of his bed.

"News," He glumly replied. "The news."

"The news? Like, on the T.V?" You asked.

Glen nodded and sadly spooned the soup into his mouth. It was depressing, watching him eat like he had just been told he had one day to live.

You got up and walked downstairs. Jeff had switched from his phone to the T.V and had some horror movie on. You snatched the remote out of his hands and switched the channel to the news.

"Hey! I was watching that!" Jeff cried, standing up.

"Shut up!" You snapped, waving your hand at him.

"-- Lee Ray, who was presumed dead, has been captured in Y/C, Y/S (Your county, your state). Recently, he murdered Leslee Hayward-Jayes, a thirty-one year-old waitress at Bonnie's Diner. She was shot and stabbed multiple times and the murder was witnessed by her coworker, twenty-four year-old Adam Torries, who called authorities and attempted to resuscitate Leslee. Today, her killer was spotted half a mile away from the house of Leslee's boyfriend, Jason O'sean. Charles is currently being held in a high-security jail until his court date, which is scheduled for one week from today, on O/W/F/T (One week from today)," The broadcaster said. "Right now, we are standing across the street from Bonnie's Diner, where Leslee's friends and family have gathered to mourn the loss of their loved one."

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