Love At First Sight; Chapter 1

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 I was walking along the sidewalk on a cold winter afternoon. But, something caught my attention. As I stop in my tracks I see a beautiful guy checking me out. This guy was handsome. Light brown hair with curly locks poking out from under his gray beanie. His eyes, oh his eyes. They were gorgeous. From the way the sun were hitting his green eyes, it looked like they were sparkling. Or was it just my imagination messing with me. The guy had cute dimples that would sink in ever time he would smile; he had wonderful white shiny teeth that beamed.

As I was staring at the mystery guy, some man came up behind me and snatched my purse from my hands and ran off. I started screaming and yelling  at the top of my lungs for  the man to stop, but he wouldn't; he didn't stop until some guy tackled him to the ground and pinned him down. I ran towards both of them and I see the beautiful guy I've been staring at for the last 10 minutes pinning the thief down with his big strong hands. "Give me back the purse now." The guy hissed. The man's eyes were in shock and threw me the purse. "Next time if I see you do that you are dead." The guy hissed again as he let the man go. The guy handed me my purse and wiped some dirt off of his coat from tackling his from the ground. "Thank you." I manage to say. "No probelm love. What even happened?" He asked. I didn't want to tell him, "becuase I was staring at you the whole time the guy just took my pruse," that would just be weird. "Well he just came up behind me and snatched it from me," I answered. "Oh, well thank god I got it back for you. By the way my name is Harry, Harry Styles." He smiled as he held out his hand for a shake. "I'm Lacy Brooke." I smiled as I shaked his hand.

"Lacy, beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He grinned down at me. He was very tall, but he looked young around me age, around 18 or so. "Thank you Harry." I blushed. "So Lacy, would you like to go maybe have a tea with me or something?" "Um, yeah sure. But I don't like tea, I only like coffe." "No probelm, we can just go to StarBucks, they have a variety." He luaghed under his breath slightly.

"I have a question for you Lacy." Harry asked as we walked together down the side walk. "What is it?" I answered. "Do you believe in love in first sight?" He managed to choke out. I stopped in my dead tracks and turned my head to him; Harry stopped as well and looked down at me, because he was like two more feet taller than me. I thought for a moment about the question and finally said, "Of course I do, I always believe in that kind of stuff." "That's good to know." Harry smiled as we started to walk again. "Why?" I asked. "Just because." He grinned in a creepy way.

Hope you lovies liked Chapter 1. When I have time Chapter 2 will be coming soon. Please *Vote* and *Read* my fanfic please.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2013 ⏰

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