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Hyo pov:

Yeonjun came in bursting the door open, I quickly stood up.

"he is here, yiren, now where is my son?huh?where is he?" I asked desperately.
"I didn't say I will give him to you this easily." she said.
"Yeonjun..."i cried out as I sat on the floor.
"where is he?"Yeonjun asked

Yiren went to our room, I stood up and quickly followed her, I went to her and held her hand between mine.

"Just give me Hanbyul back, I swear I will do whatever you ask me to do."i said.
"what about getting divorced can you do that." I let go of her hand and took a few steps backwards until my back was in contact with Yeonjun solid chest.

"that won't happen." he said.
"if you sign this divorce papers for me, and Yeonjun agree to marry me, I swear that I will bring your son to you, without a scratch, and I'd you refuse my offer, I think I can take your son for good.

"why are you doing this? My son Have nothing to do with this, you can hurt me... But why? Why should Hanbyul get involved in this." Yeonjun said.
"can't you see that am already hurting you... I mean you have the choice to get him back or not."

She went and took out the divorce papers from her bag and handed them to me, I took the paper out of the file, I looked at Yeonjun, but he wasn't even looking at me, he was just glaring at yiren.

"I will sign these papers, the moment I get my son between my arms." I said.
"OK, but don't play smart because I now know where you live, so it won't be hard to kidnap him again and make you sign them." she said.
"I know that." I said.

She took her phone out and called someone and told him to bring Hanbyul back, just as I heard those words, I felt really relaxed.

Fifteen minutes later the door bell rang, I quickly opened the door, and sat on my knees so that I could hug Hanbyul.

"Hanbyul are you OK? Are you hurt? Hmm?" I asked.
"eomma am OK? Why are you crying?" he said.
"it's nothing, just hold My hand and don't let go until I say so. OK?" I said.
"OK. Eomma." he said as he held my index finger.

"it's time to sign." yiren said in an exciting tone.
"Eomma, I saw this women today in school, she showed me a picture of her and appa when they were in school. Eomma you never told me appa once had his hair colour pink."Hanbyul said laughing at his dad.

"Hanbyul, go to your room." Yeonjun said.
"OK appa." he said and ran there.
"he is so cute.now sign." yiren said making my blood boil.

Yeonjun looked at the pen and paper, he looked at yiren then at me.
"do it, or I swear I will kill your son." she said making my eyes go round.
"just do it, yeonjun" I said as I felt tears forming in my eyes.

I took a pen I shakingly signing it, this is already the second time for me to sign these papers. I put down the pen and went to Hanbyul's room. I did what I Was asked to do, that was the right thing to do. Right?

"Hanbyul, come give eomma a hug." I said opening my arms, he ran and throwed himself in my arms, I didn't know whether I should be happy to have him, or sad that I signed the paper.

"eomma, are you OK?"he asked, I noded my head in response.
"appa, might leave for a while honey, he have to go for a few days." I said.
"why? Did I do something wrong?" he said.
"no, you are a good boy. Appa will be back in a few days. Do you want to come with me to say bye to him?" I said. He nooded his head curtly.

I held his hand and we went out of the room, Hanbyul ran up to his dad and hugged his legs, I couldnt help but cry, I turned my face away facing the wall.

"eomma, don't cry." Hanbyul said as he left his dad and came to hug me.
"should we go?" she said to yeonjun.

I wiped my tears, and held Hanbyul's hand as yeonjun followed yiren out with his eyes piercing into mine, he broke the stare and looked at Hanbyul, he forced a smile and waved his hands, Hanbyul smiled and waved his hands too.

Just the moment, the door closed, I sat on the floor and embraced my son, I did what was the best for our son, even if he wasn't with me, I still have something from him here.

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