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Hyo pov:

"eomma, wake up." Hanbyul said shaking me.
"why so early? Today you don't have school. What's wrong?" I asked.
"you said I can meet appa today." he said jumping in the bed.
"oh my... I forgot. Go shower quickly. I will shower too. We can have breakfast then you can leave." I said and ran out of the room.

I quickly went to my room, since I was sleeping with Hanbyul today, I showered and changed my clothes to this...

I went to the kitchen and made us some Pancakes

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I went to the kitchen and made us some Pancakes. He Came running to me with a wide smile in his face. He started eating his food smiling.


Younjun pov :

"I am going out." I said as I wore my coat.
"why? Did I allow you to?" yiren replied.
"I want to buy Hanbyul some toys, are you interested in coming with me." I asked sarcastically.
"why not? You better wait for me, I need to change my clothes."

I cursed under my breath and started walking around the room, if she comes with me things might get harder to go as planned.

Time skip

I was waiting with yiren next to me in the cafe, then from the far end of the road I saw Hyo holding Hanbyul's hand, I felt my heart warm just by looking at her, I hope she isn't having a hard time.

Then Hanbyul noticed me and pointed at me making his mum look at me too, the moment her eyes landed on me, yiren tapped my hand, I turned to her,and looked back at Hyo.

"appa" he said as he ran and hugged me.
"Hanbyul-ah, did you miss me?" I said as I rubbed his back. He noded his head still Hugging me, I looked at Hyo who was eyeing us.

"how have you been?" I asked her.
Yiren cleared her throat. And looked up at Hyo.

"aren't you leaving?" she asked.
"I am." hyo said and was about to turn away.
"wait.take these with you." I said handing her the bag of toys.

She took them and was about to turn away but Hanbyul held her stopping her from going.

"eomma, stay with us." he said.
"I would love to but uncle Namjoon said he want some help in his house. Maybe next time." I said.
"OK." he said.

I watched as hyo left, I then turned to Hanbyul.

"where ddo you want to go today? Hmm?"
"I want to go to the amusement Park." he said.
"let's go."i said holding his hand.

Time skip

"appa, I want this candy."Hanbyul said.
"OK what flavor?"
"cookies and cream and mint chocolate." he said.
"since when did you like cookies and cream." I asked.
"its not for me. Eomma loves cookies and cream." he said
"that's right? That was very thoughtfull of you. Thinking about your mum."

We walked and played and had a lot of fun, but it was time for him to go to his mum, so yiren called Hyo telling her to come pick Hanbyul from the same place she dropped him.

We then saw Hyo walking towards us with another man, I didn't know who he was but I felt a bit uneasy about it, it is true that we are not together anymore, but I still don't like seeing her around other guys.

Hanbyul ran and threw himself in his mums embrace,.

"appa, eomma is here, let's go home now." he said happily.
"Hanbyul appa can't come with us, he have a lot of work to deal with. Say bye." Hyo said.

Hanbyul pouted and waved his hands sadly, Hyo held his hand and they left with the man, I didn't feel comfortable at all seeing them like that, just as they were about to turn and vanish I saw him lift Hanbyul up which made me feel Very mad.

"seems like she got herself a boyfriend already, that's fast." yiren said as she stood up and left, I followed her without a word.

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